Items Tagged with "Wri"
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Renewable Energy Buyers' Principles adds 6 new participants to growing list of large-scale names
The Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers’ Principles — a U.S. initiative run by the World Wildlife Fund and World Resources Institute that aims to make large-scale renewable energy easier for companies to buy — added six more companies in December, bringing the total nu Read More...
New interactive map guides corporates through renewable power options by state
...mpares renewable power options by state. The WRI's "Corporate Renewable Energy Strategy Map" in... of nongovernmental organizations, including WRI, and nearly 60 corporations int...een the group's most vocal business members. Read More...
Creating Renewable Energy Opportunities
This report tracks the results of a series of meetings between utilities and corporate buyers in 2015 and reviews existing utility-offered renewable energy products to spark innovation and promote greater customer collaboration.A result of a collaborative effort between the Worl Read More...
Utility green tariffs on the rise, new report finds
...of 2015, the report's authors wrote in an Oct. 27 WRI blog post. As more and more business...s of new, renewable energy in the coming months," WRI contributors wrote in the blog post. "These em... the Smart Energy Decisions research center. Read More...
Emerging green tariffs in regulated utility markets
This World Resources Institute report, done in partnership with the World Wildlife Fund, offers an updated list of emerging green tariff proposals and offerings for commercial and industrial customers in regulated markets in the United States. As more and more businesses set renewable ener Read More...
Emerging green tariffs in regulated markets
As more and more businesses set renewable energy targets, their need for additional clean power — and strategies and mechanisms for obtaining it — have created pressure on their utilities and power providers to explore new ways of helping their large business customers. Green tariff Read More...