Items Tagged with "Blackrock"
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Google signs PPA for additional European wind energy to power data centers
...p;In a joint news release with the projects' developers and BlackRock, which is providing the equity financing for the Norway wind project, Google said the Norway wind farm marks the company's 17th global agreement to procure renewable energy for its data centers. The cross-border arrangem Read More...
BlackRock issues climate change warning to investors joining the Paris Agreement on climate change, BlackRock on Sept. 6 urged investors to facto...elated regulations and technological disruption," BlackRock said in issuing its report. "We show how...have a positive impact." Through the report, BlackRock categorizes risks and opportunities rela Read More...Tags: BlackRock,

BlackRock sharpens focus on portfolio climate risk its engagement priorities for the coming year, BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, has ...ormance. Calling climate risk a "systemic issue," BlackRock said it believes "enhanced, meaningful d...s that are significantly exposed to climate risk, BlackRock expects the whole board to have demonstr Read More...Tags: BlackRock,

BlackRock closes on $5.1 billion sustainability fund are repeated investors from past similar alternative investment fundraising campaign in BlackRock’s history. The fund will specifica...bal Energy & Power Infrastructure team within BlackRock Real Assets, said in a statement. &ldquo Read More...Tags: BlackRock,

Larry Fink’s 2021 letter to CEOs
...ld's Best CEOs" for 14 consecutive years....sition to net zero. They are asking managers like BlackRock to accelerate our data and analysis capa...anizations expressing support for the TCFD. (BlackRock issued our own inaugural TCFD Read More...
BlackRock Raises $4.8 Billion for Climate Investments
...rable climate impact, and differentiated sourcing.... Europe, and Asia.GRP III is the third vintage of BlackRock’s Global Renewable Power fund seri...on economy.Jim Barry, Chief Investment Officer of BlackRock Alternative Investors and Global Head of Read More...Tags: BlackRock,

Temasek and BlackRock form Decarbonization Partners
..., and material and process innovation....pital investment of $600 million from Temasek and BlackRock. “The world cannot meet its n...tion,” said Larry Fink, Chairman and CEO of BlackRock. “For decarbonization solutions an Read More...