Items Tagged with "Epa"
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Renewable Energy in the EPA's Clean Power Plan, Part 1: Introduction to Emission Rate Credits
...:{id:35, post_to_survey_page:true}} ... a mass-based target in tons of CO2 per year. The EPA has created a new instrument called an emissio...y,options:{id:35, post_to_survey_page:true}} Read More...
Renewable Energy in the EPA's Clean Power Plan, Part 2: Interactions With and Impacts on RECs and Renewable Energy Markets
In part 1, the Center for Resource Solutions explained what the U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan says about emission rate credits. In part 2, it explores how the creation and trading of emission rate credits, or ERCs, may affect renewable energy credit, or RE Read More...
Data center company Digital Realty receives EPA recognition for cutting emissions
...ider based in San Francisco, recently earned U.S. EPA Energy Star certification for its facilit....S. DOE's Better Buildings Challenge partner. The EPA certification acknowledges that the facility o...ting more efficiency upgrades in the coming years. Read More...
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Advancing Industrial Energy Efficiency 2000-2015
This report from Energy Star details progress made by industrial plants through the program's certification process.Inside this report, you'll learn how, since the U.S EPA expanded the program to the industrial sector in 2000, Energy Star has engaged more than 30 manufacturing se Read More...
Large data network equipment now eligible for EPA's Energy Star label
... save money on energy bills, thanks to a new U.S. EPA Energy Star specification for "large netw...t has large potential environmental benefits, the EPA said in a statement.Devices that are now eligi...their performance and efficiency needs," the EPA said. Read More...
Supreme Court stays Clean Power Plan, uncertainty reigns after Justice Scalia's death
The Obama Administration's plans to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from power plants via the Clean Air Act – through a new rule known as the Clean Power Plan – had been moving along fairly well until the U.S. Supreme last week issued a 5-4 ruling to stay the plan while pendi Read More...
Assurant earns EPA Energy Star designations
...urance provider Assurant has earned the U.S. EPA's 2015 Energy Star certification for...ilities nationwide for energy efficiency and meet EPA’s energy efficiency performance levels. ...;Alan Colberg said in a statement. "Receiving the EPA’s Energy Star designation is a mean Read More...
Green Power Leadership Awards application period approaching
...profit Center for Resource Solutions and the U.S. EPA, both of which are Smart Energy Decisions...are interested in participating or learning more, EPA and CRS will provide information related to el..., and learn more about the GPLAs on their website. Read More...
EPA recognizes 70 manufacturing plants with 2015 Energy Star certifications
...hat stepped up energy efficiency in 2015....l energy use of more than 450,500 households, the EPA said in a news release. Among the industr... innovations that keep our country strong,” EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy said in a statemen Read More...
General Motors, Union Bank earn EPA Energy Star certifications
...s Union Bank and General Motors received the U.S. EPA's Energy Star certification for to an efficiency level worthy of achieving the EPA certification. These buildings, which inc... distribution centers.Photo credit: General Motors Read More...
5 more HanesBrands manufacturing plants earn EPA recognition for energy efficiency
...ny to be a multiyear sustained excellence award winner from EPA Energy Star." Read More...
Verizon, GM among C&I names that earned 2016 Energy Star recognition
...s C&I companies - were recognized by the U.S. EPA and DOE for achievements in energy efficiency ...ward" were highlighted in a news release from the EPA and the DOE announcing the winners: Verizon an...S. manufacturing facilities compared to 2014, the EPA and DOE said. GM has also implemented a climat Read More...
EPA: Industrial, manufacturing sector created 21% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions
... in 2014, according to a new report from the U.S. EPA. Emissions from the sector accounted for ... source of emissions at 30%. The report, the EPA's 21st annual Inventory of the U.S. Greenhouse...nhouse gas emissions in 2014 from 2013 levels.The EPA attributed the 2013 to 2014 increase to&n Read More...Tags: epa,

Kohl's breaks up tech giant club in new EPA rankings of largest green power users
...p five of the top six slots on the U.S. EPA's most recent rankings of the largest gre...,000 kWh comprising solar and wind. The EPA notes that the usage figures are based on annu... of their total electricity use, according to the EPA program. The two leaders were followed by Read More...