Items Tagged with "Imt"
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New partnership aims to accelerate green leasing, unlock billions in energy savings for buildings
...nergy consumed in leased spaces across the U.S.," IMT Director of Market Engagement Adam Sledd said ...nown as "green leasing," practices established by IMT and the U.S. Department of Energy's Green Leas... DOE and the U.S. EPA's Energy Star program. Read More...
Transforming the market through EMIS
... oftentimes leads to disinterest, thus impeding uptake.This IMT report analyzes these and other key barriers, while presenting current national trends and solutions for how commercial real estate professionals, EMIS vendors, utilities, and local government actors can spread the usage of EMIS and wit Read More...Tags: IMT,

It's time to get smart with energy management
...emsAt the Institute for Market Transformation, or IMT, we focus our efforts on making buildings more...uildings are operating as efficiently as possible.IMT sees the exciting potential that EMIS holds providers to local governments and utilities, IMT has introduced a brand new report, Transformin Read More...
Guide to internal financing for energy efficiency
This guide written by the Institute for Market Transformation and the Retail Industry Leaders Association is intended to help energy managers and finance professionals at retail companies understand the various internal financing approaches that can be used for energy projects.The guide details Read More...
DOE launches energy efficiency 'financing navigator'
...contributors.The DOE's Better Buildings initiative, EDF and IMT are all Smart Energy Decisions content partners. Read More...
Building performance that pays: Insights from the 1st IREM energy efficiency survey
To better understand how real estate managers view energy efficiency and to learn how energy management is being integrated into commercial real estate activities, the Institute of Real Estate Management, or IREM, and the Institute for Market Transformation, or IMT, recently collaborated to produce& Read More...
Green bonds: A primer for energy project financing
The use of green bonds —a type of debt used to fund projects yielding environmental benefits — has grown among U.S. corporations in recent years. This report from the Institute for Market Transformation, the U.S. DOE's Better Building Initiative and the Retail Industry Le Read More...
Financing energy efficiency through mortgage loans
This report from the Institute for Market Transformation and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory examines the current landscape for building owners and lenders seeking to integrate energy efficiency and utility savings into building assessments and retrofit plans, and to utilize the data to e Read More...
Decarbonizing New York’s Inefficient Buildings
...otential customers. To overcome these challenges, IMT partnered with leading New York organizations ...also offer a key intervention point, which is why IMT continues to promote green and high-performing.... This blog originally appeared on the IMT website. Audi Banny, IMT’s Associat Read More...
The Role of Buildings in the 2022 IPCC Report
...sp;This column originally appeared as a blog from IMT (Institute for Market Transformation).Lotte Sc...ector of the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT), a national nonprofit organization that is la...n, and tackle climate change. Under her guidance, IMT is a trailblazer in the energy efficiency fiel Read More...
SED Welcomes ENERGY STAR, iMasons, IMT, Ratio Institute, and Second Nature to the Net Zero Forum including iMasons, Second Nature, ENERGY STAR, IMT, and Ratio Institute for the Net Zero Forum, S...e energy.The Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) will present a session on “Green Lease ...rt of the Buildings Track, open to all attendees. IMT is a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit that aims to Read More...
Energy Codes: The Year in Review and a Look Ahead
...nbsp;This column originally appeared as a blog on IMT's website.Cherylyn is IMT’s Manager of B...y appeared as a blog on IMT's website.Cherylyn is IMT’s Manager of Building Energy Codes and P...ruction throughout the U.S. Prior to joining IMT, Cherylyn was a Senior Energy Policy Analyst a Read More...
Ten Points on the Beaver State’s New Building Performance Standard
...00 as a base for its BPS for Tier 1 buildings. In IMT’s view, ASHRAE 100 can be a useful refer...tiveness of the program if not updated over time. IMT recommends that Oregon work to ensure the EUI ...tandard, though not the one referenced by Oregon. IMT recommends that Oregon engage stakeholders to Read More...
With New Law, California Moves Towards Statewide Building Performance Standard
....Authored by Sen. Josh Becker (D-Menlo Park) with IMT as one of two sponsors, the Act requires the C...ternative way.”Sen. Becker’s team and IMT worked with stakeholders including housing, ra...affordability, and advance equity.For many years, IMT has informally advised CEC, including related Read More...