Items Tagged with "Microsoft"
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Executives from top Microsoft, Johnson Controls, Vestas, and other firms join AEE board
...ontrols; Dan'l Lewin, corporate vice president at Microsoft; André DeVilbiss, senior vice pre...vestments in renewable energy are a foundation of Microsoft's overall environmental sustainability s...elerate the growth and adoption of clean energy," Microsoft's Lewin said. "I'm excited to join the b Read More...
Switching your company to renewable energy? Read this first
...uding Bloomberg, General Motors, Home Depot, Iron Mountain, Microsoft, Procter and Gamble, Yahoo, 3M and others completed more than one gigawatt of new renewable energy transactions underscores the fundamental value of renewable energy and its increasing accessibility to the corporate market.&n Read More...
Author: Blaine Collison
Tags: bloomberg, ppas, ptc, itc, general motors, home depot, iron mountain, microsoft, procter & gamble, yahoo, 3m,
Tags: bloomberg, ppas, ptc, itc, general motors, home depot, iron mountain, microsoft, procter & gamble, yahoo, 3m,

Microsoft pilots underwater data centers
...ffort to harness nature's natural cooling powers, Microsoft is experimenting with siting data center...t undersea data center for four months last year. Microsoft says deepwater deployment offers "ready energy system, but work on that is preliminary.Microsoft is working toward a 20-year data center Read More...
Microsoft announces public-private partnership to build 20-MW solar project
... Wolter / ...ich Dominion will construct a 20-MW solar project.Microsoft will claim the renewable energy certific...gencies. This deal differs from other recent Microsoft renewable energy agreements that involve Read More...
Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft support EPA's Clean Power Plan
....As large energy users, Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft said in a joint amicus brief to the fede...s of generation." Amazon, Apple, Google and Microsoft have each have corporate renewable energ... in that challenge are scheduled for June 2. Read More...
Kohl's breaks up tech giant club in new EPA rankings of largest green power users the rankings, which are updated quarterly, was Microsoft Corp., which totaled 2,699,210,000 ...g biogas, biomass, solar and wind. Both Intel and Microsoft's green power usage accounted for 100% o...d 100% of their total electricity use. Read More...
Moving beyond RECs, Microsoft seeks more renewables for data centers
...a centers are already 100% "carbon neutral," Microsoft Corp. recently announced plans to increa... use of renewable energy in the years ahead. Microsoft, similar to other technology companies, ...ets the carbon emissions used by the data enters, Microsoft said in a May 17 blog post that it Read More...
New interactive map guides corporates through renewable power options by state
...roup called the Renewable Energy Buyers Alliance. Thus far, Microsoft Corp. and Facebook Inc. have been the group's most vocal business members. Read More...
Views from the top: Inside Microsoft's corporate energy strategy with Brian Janous Smart Energy DecisionsIt's no secret that Microsoft is one of the earliest and largest ...nbsp;100% powered by renewables. Toward that end, Microsoft has emerged as a leader of companies meet that demand. Brian Janous, Microsoft's director of energy strategy, has been& Read More...
Microsoft unveils pilot program for data center energy storage
...or of energy strategy by clicking here. ...nbsp;a pilot program to advance energy storage at Microsoft’s data centers across the Power, according to a recent announcement from Microsoft Corp. made at a White House summit& Read More...
With help from Amazon, Google, Microsoft, data center energy use levels after years of rapid growth
... which are typically owned by major tech players. Microsoft, for example, has made so much progress ... kind of start getting into diminishing returns," Microsoft's director of energy strategy recently t...enter report from the lab is available here. Read More...
NYT article highlights corporate energy strategy shift
...ting Brian Janous, director of energy strategy at Microsoft. "We are all becoming very large en...ed Janous as saying "Energy is not something that Microsoft or Amazon or Google really ever had to t...ot of the way that I approach what we're doing at Microsoft. It's the realization that, particularly Read More...
Microsoft pushes ahead with battery research to drive an efficient and carbon-neutral cloud....p;energy storage. The research, discussed by Microsoft and NRG together at the University of Te...o optimizing electric distribution grids.UTSA and Microsoft are in the middle of three-year agreemen Read More...
Microsoft partners up on energy policy tracking tool
...course of a session, Microsoft and AEE said. ...upport legislative advocacy in energy. Powered by Microsoft Azure integrated cloud-computing service...," Rob Bernard, chief environmental strategist at Microsoft, said in a news release announcing the t Read More...