Items Tagged with "Ptc"
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Switching your company to renewable energy? Read this first
The renewable energy opportunity for Fortune 1000 companies has never been better. Renewable energy provides direct bottom-line benefits: Reduced energy costs, protection from price volatility, protection from regulatory risk, and positive reputational/brand value. Importantly, the recent extensions Read More...
Author: Blaine Collison
Tags: bloomberg, ppas, ptc, itc, general motors, home depot, iron mountain, microsoft, procter & gamble, yahoo, 3m,
Tags: bloomberg, ppas, ptc, itc, general motors, home depot, iron mountain, microsoft, procter & gamble, yahoo, 3m,

MidAmerican Energy goes all-in on wind, announces $3.6B project
...or the construction of new wind projects."Without PTCs to help fund the cost of wind development, Io...ican Energy to make maximum use of available wind PTCs for the benefit of customers."...available wind PTCs for the benefit of customers." Read More...