Straus Family Creamery Launches Sustainability Program - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  March 4, 2024

Straus Family Creamery Launches Sustainability Program

Straus Family Creamery, a manufacturer of organic dairy products, announces its new Organic Dairy Sustainability Incentive Program and new farm partnerships.

The company’s incentive program supports its supplier organic dairy farms in achieving carbon neutrality by 2030.

The incentives are tied to implementing on-farm climate solutions from Straus Family Creamery’s replicable carbon-neutral organic dairy farming model to reduce on-farm GHG emissions to net zero.

Straus Family Creamery’s incentive program encourages the development and implementation of:

  • Carbon farm plans with regenerative land management practices that build healthy soil and sequester atmospheric carbon,
  • Manure management practices that decrease lagoon emissions by at least 80% and are implemented through small-scale anaerobic digesters and climate-smart manure management practices like composting,
  • Eliminating fossil fuels through the electrification of on-farm vehicles powered by methane biogas captured in cow manure and
  • Enteric methane emission (cow burps) reduction through a certified organic feed additive such as red seaweed (Asparagopsis taxiformis).

The incentives are paid monthly and allocated to farms based on qualified practice implementation and not through the purchase of offsets or based on post-practice results. 

In the first year of Straus Family Creamery’s incentive program, a total of $250,000 in incentives were paid. The program is rooted in organic agriculture, which is better for the climate and enhances water, soil quality, and biodiversity. Each farm must adhere to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Organic Program. 

“We could not execute this program and our 2030 net carbon neutral goal without the mutual collaboration and innovation of our entire network of organic dairy farms. These farms are key stakeholders in helping us advance a sustainable organic dairy farm model and a more resilient food system,” said Joseph Button, Vice President of Sustainability and Strategic Impact, in a statement.


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