Bruynzeel Storage Systems Sets 2035 Goals - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  May 28, 2024

Bruynzeel Storage Systems Sets 2035 Goals

Bruynzeel Storage Systems, a mobile storage system company based in the Netherlands, announced setting net zero goals for 2035.

The new goal is to reach net zero emissions for Scope 1, 2 and 3 at the latest by 2035, 10 years earlier than its previous commitment of 2045 — which was set in 2021. 

The company has been climate-neutral in its own operations (Scopes 1 and 2) since 2021. The results were as audited and assured by Deloitte. Bruynzeel has committed to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and attained a silver rating with Ecovadis since 2022, ranking among the top 20% of sustainable companies.

As steel and steel-related products account for nearly 90% of the company's Scope 3 impact, its focus on increasing the adoption speed of Bruynzeel GreenSteel® is key. This steel reduces its environmental impact by over 91%. To offer this, Bruynzeel is currently collaborating, among others, with Arcelor Mittal and their accredited XCarb® certificates.

The company has a goal to introduce its next big milestone with Bruynzeel GreenSteel® 2.0, steel production using new hydrogen-based technology. Bruynzeel's ambition is to significantly increase its production mix with GreenSteel® toward 100% by 2030.

Bruynzeel  is the only company in its industry to use a special production process with a high proportion of non-galvanized and unoiled materials that results in large-scale savings in the use of energy, CO2, water and chemicals in the production process.

"In a world where we see continuously growing populations and where space is a valuable and scarce asset, the need for space saving solutions and how to use space in the most sustainable and efficient way, is vital,” said Alexander Collot d'Escury, CEO of Bruynzeel Storage Systems, in a statement. “We recognize that our company has an important part to play in helping organizations worldwide to reduce their physical and environmental footprint. Optimizing space saves cost, time and CO2 emissions for our clients. I am pleased to introduce our updated CSR Policy, showcasing our achievements and outlining our commitments, priorities, and initiatives towards our journey to Net Zero 2035. I believe that this framework represents a crucial step towards an ESG centric business model aligned with the UN SDGs."


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