BIC’s Emissions Drop by 72% - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  May 29, 2024

BIC’s Emissions Drop by 72%

BIC, a global company that manufactures stationery, lighters and shavers, announced that it lowered its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 72% compared to 2022 and reached a 91% renewable energy usage commitment on all sites by 2025.

The company also optimized its processes and installed heat recovery systems, heat networks, LED bulbs and energy-efficient equipment to improve energy efficiency by 11% in 10 years. 

As announced in BIC's 2023 report — which provides an overview of the company's global impact, its GHG emissions across all scopes and its progress towards sustainability — BIC's facilities in France, Greece and Mexico secured clean energy power purchase agreements (PPAs). As a result, only 9.3% of its total emissions now come from the electricity consumed at its factories. 

In 2023, BIC closely monitored its air freight, ensuring only 1.06% of intra-company transport tonnage was shipped by air, and seeks to maintain this below the specified threshold of 2.3%. 

The company announced it will continue to look for ways to increase its use of renewable energy sources, including through building onsite generation infrastructure such as solar arrays at its factories.

"This report highlights the progress we've made toward BIC's sustainability commitments and how we positively impact everyday lives and prioritize our planet through simplicity, sustainability and joy," said CEO Gonzalve Bich in a statement. "I remain confident in BIC's continued ability to drive long-term growth, deliver value responsibly and sustainably and maintain the quality and safety of our trusted products to millions of consumers across the globe."

Tags: BIC

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