Ingevity's Products Meet UN Sustainability Goals  - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  June 13, 2024

Ingevity's Products Meet UN Sustainability Goals 

Ingevity Corporation — a manufacturer of products and technologies in performance materials, advanced polymer technologies and performance chemicals — announced that 92% of 2023 revenue generated from its products contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

The company also achieved ISCC+ Mass Balance accreditation at the company’s Warrington, U.K., facility for the use of sustainable feedstocks to advance the transition to a circular economy.

Ingevity surpassed GHG intensity reduction goals one year ahead of target in its Performance Materials and Advanced Polymer Technologies manufacturing operations and was recognized with an EcoVadis Silver rating for sustainability efforts, placing Ingevity in the top quartile of all responding companies.

Sustainability goals the company announced in 2023 include a commitment to becoming carbon neutral for Scope 1 and 2 absolute GHG emissions from manufacturing operations by 2050.

The company also published Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) indices on its website in a companion document.

Details were published in its seventh annual Sustainability Report that is governed by its material issues, stakeholder interests and business priorities and is reported with reference to the GRI Standards, core option, and aligned with the SASB standard for chemicals. 

In 2023, Ingevity appointed the company’s first Chief Sustainability Officer responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of Ingevity’s sustainability and impact strategy, metrics and reporting, and integrating cross-departmental initiatives focused on helping customers advance toward sustainability targets.

“Sustainability is central to everything we do at Ingevity,” said Dr. Michael Tschantz, Ingevity chief sustainability officer and vice president, government relations, in a statement. “It’s not only in our legacy, but also in our vision for the future as we continue to invest in research and development, manufacturing capabilities and new applications to deliver better and more sustainable solutions for today and for the future.”

Tags: Ingevity

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