Emerson College Converts to Carbon-Free Energy Heating - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  July 12, 2024

Emerson College Converts to Carbon-Free Energy Heating

Emerson College, a higher education institution, announced it entered into a partnership to convert 100% of its heating operations by implementing a thermal energy solution.

The thermal energy solution, eSteam™, is provided by Vicinity Energy, a national decarbonization company with an extensive portfolio of district energy systems across the U.S.

This initiative advances Emerson’s pursuit of its carbon neutrality objectives in Boston, Massachusetts.

Located in the heart of Boston’s Theater District, the college’s expansive 1.5 million-square-foot campus will use Vicinity’s carbon-free eSteam™ for all of its heating and hot water requirements. 

“This project marks a pivotal moment in Emerson College’s journey towards environmental responsibility and sustainability,” said Emerson President Jay M. Bernhardt in a statement.

Emerson College has earned Gold status in the AASHE Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System, which measures the sustainability performance of colleges and universities.

This partnership reinforces Emerson’s commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2030, building upon its reputation as a sustainability leader. The transition to eSteam™ is a stride toward this goal and will drive the entire Emerson campus toward carbon neutrality.

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