Nestle Deploys Solar in Texas - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions, Commercial, Solar  -  August 23, 2024

Nestle Deploys Solar in Texas

Nestlé announced it invested in Stampede, a nearly 2,600 acre solar project in Hopkins County, Texas. 

The solar array is owned and developed by Enel North America.

With Nestlé’s investment, the solar project adds 326 MWdc of solar electricity to the U.S. grid, accelerating the company’s work to lower GHG emissions in its U.S. operations and use more renewable energy to manufacture its products.

In addition to its direct investment, Nestlé will purchase 100% of the renewable electricity attributes generated by the project's energy production, estimated to be an average of over 522,000 megawatt hours annually for 15 years. 

This renewable electricity will help Nestlé lower carbon emissions across its sites that manufacture brands in the U.S. such as DiGiorno®, Stouffer’s®, Coffee mate®, Purina® Pro Plan®, Tidy Cats® and more. The annual carbon emission reduction is expected to be an estimated 279,000 metric tons of CO2.

“At Nestlé we are seizing opportunities across our business to help create a more sustainable future and achieve net zero emissions. This includes working hard to transform our operations and power our product manufacturing with more renewable electricity,” said Kate Short, Chief Procurement Officer, Nestlé North America, in a statement. “Our investment in Stampede brings us within striking distance of meeting our ambition to source 100% renewable electricity at all our manufacturing sites by 2025. Building on our previous solar investments, Stampede helps further reduce carbon emissions in our operations and expands the availability of renewable energy—the project adds enough solar electricity to the U.S. grid to power the equivalent of approximately 49,000 households each year.”

Stampede is Nestlé’s third large-scale solar investment in the U.S., building upon the company’s 2023 investment in solar project Ganado and its 2020 investment in solar project Taygete I. Combined, these solar projects will represent nearly 90% of Nestlé’s electricity in its U.S. facilities.    

Nestlé’s Net Zero Roadmap sets out the company’s commitment to source 100% renewable electricity across its global manufacturing sites by 2025.  

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