Kennametal Lowers Emissions - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  September 10, 2024

Kennametal Lowers Emissions

Kennametal Inc. announced that the company reduced Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 2%.

The company, which provides materials science, tooling and wear-resistant solutions, also announced it has made ongoing investments to modernize manufacturing plants, streamline processes and improve equipment monitoring for increased energy efficiency. 

Kennametal recently partnered with a third party firm to identify energy and cost savings opportunities and train sustainability champions to become better energy managers at high energy-consuming manufacturing facilities. The company continues to procure renewable and carbon-free energy, including through the use of renewable energy credits.

Kennametal sources approximately 86% of electricity from solar energy, has installed LED lights to reduce energy consumption and acquired green certifications for critical vendors and suppliers. Additionally, the company conducts regular environmental audits and emphasizes vendor localization to reduce GHG emissions in the supply chain.

The company also completed the following initiatives:

  • Bengaluru, India: Increased usage of renewable energy credits (RECs) to meet approximately 86% of the plant’s electricity needs from a local solar farm. 
  • Orwell, Ohio: Renewed contract with Energy Harbor for Emission-Free Energy Certificates (EFECs), matching 100% of electricity consumption with clean energy. 
  • Indaiatuba, Brazil: Sourced 100% of its electricity from hydropower. 
  • Victoria, Canada: 98% of electricity consumed sourced from clean, renewable energy - primarily hydro, wind, solar and biomass.

Details were published in its fiscal year 2024 Corporate Responsibility Report (previously ESG Report), outlining the company's continued progress in advancing its environmental, social and governance strategy.

"At Kennametal, we are not just committed to driving business success but also to fostering a safer, more inclusive workplace and making a positive impact on the world around us," said Sanjay Chowbey, President & CEO, in a statement. “From advancing our conservation programs to expanding our employee resource groups, we are building on our sustainability initiatives while remaining focused on advancing our strategy, delivering value for stakeholders and positioning the company for long-term success."

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