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Energy Management Articles

Blog posts tagged with "department of energy"

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Sweeping C&I energy efficiency bill reintroduced

February 17, 2017

A bipartisan group of Senators have reintroduced the Energy Savings and Industrial Competitiveness Act, aimed at accelerating energy efficiency for the commercial and sectors and the federal government.

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DOE unveils $25M in funds available through data center efficiency program

June 14, 2016

The U.S. Department of Energy announced the availability of up to $25 million in funding for a new program aimed at the creation of innovations to increase the energy efficiency of data centers.

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DOE announces new efficiency standard, expected to save businesses billions

January 1, 2016

The U.S Department of Energy announced new energy efficiency standards Dec. 21, 2015.

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Better Buildings Progress Report, 2015

July 1, 2015

Better Buildings, launched by President Obama in 2011, is a broad, multi-strategy initiative aiming to improve the energy use of our nation's buildings.

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