The DEI Impact Awards - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, Sourcing Renewables  -  September 18, 2024 - By Sol Systems

Celebrating Leadership with the DEI Impact Awards

At Sol Systems, we are truly honored to celebrate leadership in the renewable energy space alongside Smart Energy Decisions through their DEI Impact Awards. This is not just a celebration of achievements — it is a reaffirmation of the power and potential that diversity, equity, and inclusion bring to our industry and beyond.

Sol Systems strives to lead the way towards an inclusive renewable energy industry. We recognize that the challenges we face in the fight against climate change are multifaceted and complex. We must tap into the full spectrum of human potential to address these challenges effectively. This is why we are working to create opportunities, advance equity, and foster an inclusive environment where innovation and collaboration can thrive. When everyone has a seat at the table, we can ensure everyone is empowered to contribute fully and authentically to the success of the clean energy transition.

Sol Systems’ Infrastructure + Impact approach underscores every project we take on, integrating sustainability with a deep commitment to empowerment and inclusiveness. We work with industry and community partners to emphasize an equitable transition to a sustainable energy future. We specifically strive to benefit under-resourced and climate-impacted communities through bespoke local partnerships. By prioritizing equitable outcomes and fostering an inclusive environment, we aim to drive innovation, collaboration, and progress.

As one example among many, our collaboration with Google, which received a DEI Impact Award in 2023, allowed us to leverage solar investments to fund critical home repairs and energy-efficiency upgrades in North and South Carolina and reduce energy burden for under-resourced communities, thereby making the energy transition more equitable. 

Our partnership with Microsoft similarly has maximized community impact through the power of solar, contributing $1.2 million in investments into community organizations focused on environmental justice, workforce training and climate resiliency.

The SED DEI Impact Awards mark a celebration of the incredible work being done by so many to advance impact beyond the megawatt. The individuals and organizations we are honoring and congratulating through this award have shown extraordinary leadership and dedication in pushing the boundaries of what is possible. They remind us that real change begins with intention, followed by action.

At Sol Systems, we are proud to support and celebrate these achievements. We understand that the journey toward greater diversity, equity, and inclusion is ongoing, and we are committed to walking this path alongside you, learning and growing as we go.

Let’s continue to challenge ourselves and each other to push further, think bigger, and do better. Together, we can make a lasting impact on our communities and the world — one that will resonate for generations to come.


Sol Systems is the exclusive sponsor of Smart Energy Decisions' 2024 DEI Impact Awards


Sol Systems is a leading national solar energy firm with an established reputation for integrity and reliability across its development, infrastructure, and environmental commodity businesses. Sol Systems is operating and building over 2 GW of solar projects valued at more than $2 billion for Fortune 100 companies, municipalities, counties, utilities, universities, and schools and provides environmental commodity portfolio management services to more than 20,000 customers across the US. The company was founded in 2008, is based in Washington, D.C., and is led by its founder. Sol Systems works with institutional clients, corporate partners, and foundations to create a more sustainable future we can all believe in.

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