Energy Savings Performance Contract Cuts Cost, Reduces Energy Consumption Energy at Memorial Elementary School - Smart En

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Sourcing Renewables  -  March 19, 2025 - By Better Buildings

Energy Savings Performance Contract Cuts Cost, Reduces Energy Consumption Energy at Memorial Elementary School

Hart County Schools’ Memorial Elementary School achieved a 66% reduction in energy usage as part of an Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) with CMTA, a Better Buildings Design and Construction Ally. This upgrade is part of a district-wide initiative to reduce emissions by 18,000 metric tons over 20 years. By leveraging federal grants and tax credits, the district made these improvements both financially viable and environmentally impactful. This project highlights how the ESPC model empowers financially constrained public school districts to modernize infrastructure, create healthy learning environments, and achieve long-term cost savings.

The upgrades at the historic Memorial Elementary School building, which serves 350 students, were part of a larger project to modernize infrastructure, reduce energy consumption, and generate substantial utility cost savings across the district, all while improving the learning environment. 

The focus for upgrades at the historic Memorial Elementary School building was to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality. As with all projects, CMTA first performed a detailed Investment Grade Audit to identify all deficiencies and inefficiencies in building structures and systems. As a result of the audit findings, Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs) were identified, along with associated costs and energy savings. At this facility, the audit determined that the aging boiler/tower HVAC system should be replaced with a geothermal ground source heat pump system. The audit findings and proposed ECMs were presented to Hart County Schools for scope selection. Following this, CMTA developed an engineered design for the geothermal ground source heat pump system and installed the system.

The geothermal wellfield was strategically drilled beneath the school’s baseball field and will deliver sustainable heating and cooling with reduced carbon emissions. Additionally, dedicated outside air units were installed to enhance indoor air quality and occupant comfort. Together, these systems will provide a 66% reduction in energy usage.

Numerous information sessions were held at public School Board Meetings to inform public stakeholders in the community, including teachers, parents, and students of the upcoming project. CMTA also presented to parents and students at the school district’s annual STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, & Math) Community Science Fair. 

This work was completed as part of a guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC) with CMTA, a Legence company, based in Louisville, KY.

Financing was completed in 2022 with the project completed in 2023. Upgrades made across the school district through this project were funded by a $6.8 million federal Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) grant, the project also received federal funding through Investment Tax Credits (ITCs) tax credits. In December 2024, Hart County Schools celebrated the receipt of $793,078.71 in additional federal funding from Elective Pay for the installation of a high-performance geothermal system at Memorial Elementary School.

CMTA is also partnering with Hart County Schools to pursue an additional $2,082,551 in State Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credits for the renovations of several historic school buildings in Hart County, including Memorial Elementary School.

Overall, the $10.9 million initiative is guaranteed to save Hart County Schools $6.7 million over the next 20 years. These savings are due in part to the 52% reduction in district energy consumption, reducing utility costs for the long term. By leveraging diverse funding sources, the district was able to implement comprehensive energy-saving measures that not only significantly reduced energy consumption but also created a healthier learning environment for staff and students.


Memorial Elementary Upgrades
CMTA introduced a geothermal heat pump system to Memorial Elementary. The system is incredibly energy-efficient, easy to maintain, and has a longer expected lifespan than alternative solutions. Although a “like-for-like replacement” solution has a slightly lower initial cost, the geothermal system will save the district more over a longer time period. Hart County Schools’ leadership team had the vision to recognize the long-term advantage of selecting a geothermal system as the more sustainable solution with a shorter payback period and reduced emissions.

District-Wide Upgrades
District-wide improvements were implemented across seven buildings totaling 421,800 square feet, including the following key measures: 

  • Replacement of 2,600 outdated fluorescent lighting fixtures with energy-efficient LED lighting
    Installation of web-based building automation systems in five elementary schools to optimize energy management
  • Building envelope improvements in four buildings to enhance insulation and overall energy efficiency
  • Complete HVAC renovations in four buildings  

CMTA was the Energy Service Company (ESCO) in the ESPC. CMTA’s project team worked closely with Hart County Schools’ administrators throughout the duration of the project to ensure plans matched stakeholder expectations and real energy savings would be delivered to help cover the project costs.

CMTA was responsible for conducting the energy audits, engineering design, construction, commissioning, and measurement and verification. CMTA was also responsible for clearly communicating project progress to key stakeholders and ensuring there was consensus on next steps. This diverse group of stakeholders ranged from district maintenance personnel, custodial staff, school administrators, district administrators, and school district board members. Consensus was built with a process dedicated to transparency and accountability, where collaborative project development meetings, iterative design review meetings, and frequent construction progress meetings informed stakeholders and gave them a critical voice in the decision-making process. 


Memorial Elementary Project Outcomes
Upgrades made to the historic Memorial Elementary School building were part of a larger ESPC project across the school buildings in the district. As a result of the upgrades at this facility, Memorial Elementary School saw a 66% reduction in energy usage. 

District-wide Project Outcomes
In its first year, this project reduced the energy use in the district by approximately 1.9M kWh and 70k therms, or roughly 1,175 metric tons of CO₂, or enough power for approximately 1,900 homes in a year. Over the 20-year term of the project, it is guaranteed to reduce energy use by approximately 29.0M kWh and 1.1M therms, or approximately 18,000 metric tons of CO₂ emissions.


This column originally appeared on the Better Buildings website.

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