Pfizer Sets 2040 Goal - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  July 1, 2022

Pfizer Sets 2040 Goal

Pfizer Inc. announced a commitment to further reduce GHG emissions and aims to achieve net zero standard by 2040, ten years earlier than is called for by the standard.

The company aims to decrease its GHG emissions by 95% and its value chain emissions by 90% from 2019 levels by 2040 by accelerating the transition away from fossil fuels and engaging suppliers to catalyze equivalent action. 

Pfizer continues to make progress and remains committed to reducing Scope 1 & 2 GHG emissions by 46% by 2030 as an interim milestone toward its new net zero 2040 goal. 

“The window is closing to minimize the potentially catastrophic impact of climate change, which affects the health of our planet and that of people around the world,” said Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla in a statement. “With urgency of action increasing, we firmly believe that our commitment to accelerate decarbonization of our value chain and achieve the Net-Zero standard – which aligns with Pfizer’s purpose and ESG priorities – can help drive positive change and build a healthier, more sustainable world.” 

In addition, Pfizer plans to transition its fleet of vehicles to hybrid and electric alternates.

Pfizer also announced today that it has signed a pledge from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that calls on stakeholders in the U.S. healthcare system – including hospitals, health systems, payers, suppliers, and pharmaceutical companies – to reduce GHG emissions and build a more climate-resilient healthcare infrastructure. 

Tags: Pfizer

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