Enbridge Lowers Emissions by 37% - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  May 13, 2024

Enbridge Lowers Emissions by 37%

Enbridge Inc., a Canadian company supplying natural gas, oil, renewable power networks and European offshore wind power, achieved a 37% reduction in GHG emissions intensity and a 20% reduction in absolute GHG emissions from its 2018 baseline.

The company also lowered methane emissions in the company's natural gas operations by 40% from the 2018 baseline and continued its GHG emissions disclosures by expanding the categories of Scope 3 emissions that are reported on and enhancing the transparency of Scope 3 emissions reporting.

Enbridge provided an updated analysis of its business under different climate-related scenarios that is in alignment with the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Details were published in its 2023 Sustainability Report - Enbridge’s goals include reducing operational GHG emissions to achieve net-zero by 2050.

"Across Enbridge, our employees are advancing a sustainable business strategy," said Pete Sheffield, Enbridge Vice President and Chief Sustainability Officer, in a statement. "We've set ambitious goals that align our teams in common-purpose and shared accountability to deliver the best possible solutions for a broad set of stakeholders. In our 23rd Sustainability Report, we update stakeholders on our progress against the sustainability goals we set in 2020 and the work remaining. We also outline the actions we're taking to deliver reliable, affordable energy to as many people as possible sustainably."


Tags: Enbridge

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