Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Sets 2050 Goals - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  June 14, 2024

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Sets 2050 Goals

ALE (Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise), a provider of communications, networking, and cloud solutions, announced it is pursuing a new strategy to actively address climate change and set an objective to reach net zero emissions by 2050.

The company’s SBTi-aligned goals include lowering GHG emissions by 2030 across Scopes 1, 2 and 3 by 40% using 2022's emissions as a baseline. 

ALE established an ESG Council composed of members from the Executive Management Team and the ESG Development Committee to monitor initiatives and track progress. The Council is the cornerstone of ALE’s commitment to ESG and will ensure best practices are being implemented and the organization stays on track to reach the 2050 target.

ALE performed a double materiality assessment to identify the areas of the organization that impact the world the most to understand how global sustainability trends impact them. This was performed in line with the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) issued by the European Union, and the company's new strategy encompasses the eight pillars, including climate change mitigation and product environmental adaptation.

“The evolution of our approach to sustainability reflects our understanding and commitment to the impact of not only our organization but to the wider industry and the world,” said Rasheed Mohamad, Global Revenue and Operations Officer, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise, in a statement. “To make real change, we must embed sustainability into all elements of our organization and create a culture of accountability and inclusivity. Our targets are intentionally ambitious as we seek to lead by example and drive meaningful action against climate change.”

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