Brixmor Property Group’s Emissions Fall by 50% - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  July 3, 2024

Brixmor Property Group’s Emissions Fall by 50%

Brixmor Property Group announced a 50% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions compared to a 2018 baseline year, surpassing its Science-Based Target initiatives goal.

The real estate investment trust (REIT) that owns and operates a national portfolio of open-air shopping centers also announced an increase in onsite renewable energy systems to a total capacity of 11.2 MW of capacity, up from 10.3 MW in calendar year 2022.

Notable achievements in each of Brixmor's Corporate Responsibility pillars for calendar year 2023 include the change that executive bonuses are linked directly to the achievement of individual ESG goals. The company also converted 96% of the company's portfolio to LED lighting, up from 95% of the portfolio in calendar year 2022.

Details were released in its fifth annual Corporate Responsibility (CR) Report, which provides a comprehensive overview of the company's strategy to improve environmental, social and economic well-being.

"Our CR principles align with our core values, our vision, and our mission," said James Taylor, CEO, in a statement. "Our continued focus on CR supports the long-term, sustainable growth of our business and the continued value creation delivered to our key stakeholders, which include our team, our shareholders, our tenants, and the communities our centers serve." 

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