Oklahoma State University Decarbonizes Medical Campus - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions  -  September 6, 2024

Oklahoma State University Decarbonizes Medical Campus

Oklahoma State University (OSU) entered into a partnership to provide chilled water and steam service to a new medical campus. 

The university partnered with Vicinity Energy, a company that works in decarbonization with a large portfolio of district energy systems. Vicinity will serve the entire 58-bed medical-surgical inpatient hospital for Oklahoma veterans, which totals over 275,000 square feet of building space.

The medical campus will use steam and chilled water for space heating and cooling, domestic hot water, and direct steam humidification. By choosing district energy, the campus will reduce the emissions associated with its onsite operations.

Nearly 100% of the condensate water will be returned and reused at Vicinity's facility. This sustainable practice conserves water and enhances the system's overall efficiency.

By utilizing district energy, the medical campus will experience enhanced reliability, better redundancy and greater energy efficiency compared to operating on-site equipment. This ensures a stable and efficient energy supply, which is crucial for the continuous and reliable operation of the medical facility.

"This partnership reflects our dedication to operational excellence," said Dr. Johnny Stephens, president of Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences, in a statement. “By integrating Vicinity's district energy solutions, we are not only minimizing our carbon footprint but also enhancing the reliability and efficiency of our medical facilities. This collaboration ensures that we provide our veterans with a safe and environmentally responsible healthcare environment."

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