DOE Funds EV Charging, Solar for 32 Entities - Smart Energy Decisions

Distributed Energy Resources, GHG Emissions, Solar  -  September 11, 2024

DOE Funds EV Charging, Solar for 32 Entities

The U.S. Department of Energy announced $20.5 million in funding was awarded to 32 states, territories, local governments, and Tribes through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program. 

“This program continues to bring essential federal funding directly to local communities across the country, helping Americans access energy efficiency upgrades like electric vehicle chargers and e-bike rebates, weatherization, affordable solar panels, and more,” said Secretary Jennifer M. Granholm in a statement. “The President’s Investing in America agenda is supporting local governments and tribal nations plan for a clean energy future, deploying energy efficiency upgrades that save money and build more resilient communities.” 

The 15 cities, nine counties, five states, one Tribe, one territory, and the District of Columbia are receiving a tranche of awards that will fund activities to include electric bicycle incentive programs, free home solarization for low-income families, municipal fleet electrification, decarbonization waste management strategies and municipal building energy audits.  

The projects include the following:

  • Raleigh, North Carolina will advance sustainable transportation through three activities: an electric bicycle incentive program, a mobile public solar-powered EV charging statio, and 30 EV chargers for the municipal fleet.  (Award amount: $450,390) 
  • Shelby County and City of Memphis, Tennessee will team up  to weave sustainability into operations and programming at the Memphis Zoo and further the Memphis Area Climate Action Plan. Funds will support a site assessment and installation of rooftop solar on publicly owned zoo buildings. (Award amount: $670,110)   
  • Palmdale, California will launch two initiatives to deploy electric vehicle and clean energy infrastructure in the community. The Your Ride is EPIC Program will distribute wall-mounted plug-in EV chargers to eligible households. The city will also  install a microgrid at the city’s maintenance yard. (Award amount: $197,390) 
  • Keweenaw Bay Indian Community (KBIC) in Michigan will hire a technical consultant to update its strategic energy plan which was last completed in 2008. The plan will establish benchmarks and goals for the community to reduce energy use and emissions. (Award amount: $11,270) 
  • Minnesota will fund three programs for energy efficiency across local governments, businesses, and individual homes. (Award amount: $2,248,830) 

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