Commercial | Page 204 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial | Page 204

Energy Efficiency  -  February 22, 2016

JPMorgan announces massive LED rollout

In what has been called the world’s largest single-order LED installation to date, JPMorgan Chase & Co. announced it will put LED lighting in most of its roughly 5,000 U.S. branches.

Energy Efficiency  -  February 18, 2016

DOE launches 'Better Buildings Challenge Swap' with Hilton, Whole Foods

The U.S. Department of Energy on Feb. 17 unveiled its "Better Buildings Challenge Swap," which involved Hilton Worldwide and Whole Foods Market swapping teams.

Power Prices  -  February 17, 2016

FPL requests rate decrease that would reduce commercial customer bills by 2% to 7%

NextEra Energy subsidiary Florida Power and Light has filed a request with the Florida Public Service Commission to reduce rates starting April 1.

Energy Procurement  -  February 16, 2016 - By John Failla

Energy managers wrestle with these 3 critical issues, Smart Energy Decisions is here to help

Smart Energy Decisions is a new online information resource dedicated to helping executives at C&I companies responsible for energy management.

Demand Management  -  February 15, 2016

Large data network equipment now eligible for EPA's Energy Star label

IT procurers and data center operators now have help selecting products that save money on energy bills.

Demand Management  -  February 15, 2016 - By Liz Delaney

Top-down AND bottom-up: How companies can use multiple approaches to improve energy management

Companies today employ a wide array of energy reduction strategies, including energy efficiency, renewable energy and the utilization of data management systems.

Energy Efficiency  -  February 12, 2016

Whole Foods, Hilton featured in DOE's 'Better Buildings Challenge' swap preview

The U.S. spends around $200 billion a year running commercial buildings, and a large portion of that energy is wasted.

Energy Efficiency  -  February 11, 2016

Energy efficiency in existing buildings must be addressed; here’s how

Large U.S. commercial buildings address 2% per year of the net present value-positive investments in efficiency available to them, according to the Rocky Mountain Institute.

Energy Efficiency  -  February 10, 2016 - By Shira Weintraub

Eight steps to winning support for energy efficiency projects with utility data

Today more than ever, companies are exploring effective ways to improve energy efficiency and better control costs.

Energy Efficiency  -  February 5, 2016

National Grid's new Massachusetts energy efficiency plan expected to save billions

The company's three-year plan is expected to generate $3.6 billion in Massachusetts customer benefits over the lifetime of the efficiency investments.

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