Commercial | Page 36
October 18, 2023 - By Better Buildings, U.S. Department of Energy
Building Operators: Grid and Occupant Training
The Northwest Energy Efficiency Council partnered with Northeastern University and Washington State University to expand its Building Operator Certification® (BOC) training. In this case study from Better Buildings, learn how the program is emphasizing grid-interactive efficient buildings and occupant-centric controls with a focus on an entry- and pre-entry-level workforce.
Distributed Energy Resources - October 18, 2023
Manassas City Public Schools Adds Electric Buses
Manassas City Public Schools in Virginia announced plans to install six chargers and deploy 12 electric school buses to the district over a three-year period.
October 18, 2023
Fresh Del Monte Produce Lowers Emissions by 26%
Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc. achieved a 26% decrease in its Scope 1 and 2 emissions in 2022, largely attributed to optimizing fertilizer usage, fuel consumption and facility heating adjustments.
Distributed Energy Resources - October 18, 2023
EU Council Approves New Rules for Emission Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles
The European Council reached an agreement on a proposal to update and strengthen the regulation on CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles.
GHG Emissions - October 17, 2023
Amazon Fresh Location Receives Zero Carbon Certification
A Seattle Amazon Fresh location received a Zero Carbon Certification from the International Living Future Institute (ILFI), making it the first Amazon building to receive the certification.
GHG Emissions - October 17, 2023
Schaeffler Aerospace Canada Adds Energy Efficiency Project
Schaeffler Aerospace Canada Inc., a sector of the motion technology company the Schaeffler Group, announced the launch of a new large-scale energy efficiency project involving cooling, heating, and air quality solutions.
GHG Emissions - October 17, 2023
TCFD Report: More Emissions Disclosure Work Needed
The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)’s sixth and final report highlights steady momentum in companies disclosing TCFD-aligned information but says more progress is needed from businesses.
October 16, 2023 - By Giulianna Di Lauro, IMT
Unintended Consequences & Potential Solutions of Building Decarbonization: Part 1
According to IMT, as society embraces the transformative journey to combat climate change through electrification and decarbonization of buildings, it is crucial to acknowledge the potential unintended consequences of such endeavors — particularly for frontline communities and Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC).
GHG Emissions - October 16, 2023
Google's Project Green Light Reduces Emissions
Google’s research initiative Green Light found road transportation emissions can be lowered by optimizing traffic light plans.
GHG Emissions - October 12, 2023
AIR Communities Lowers Emissions by 16.5%
Apartment Income REIT Corp. (AIR Communities) achieved its GHG emissions goal two years ahead of schedule, with emissions down 16.5%, energy usage down 10.3% over baseline and waste diversion up 15.5% from a baseline of 2019-2022.
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