Commercial | Page 53 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial | Page 53

GHG Emissions  -  May 16, 2023

Clearwater Paper’s Targets Approved by SBTi

Clearwater Paper Corporation, a supplier of private brand tissue to major retailers, announced that its climate targets were validated by the Science Based Target initiative.

Sourcing Renewables  -  May 16, 2023

ICON Increase Renewable Power Use by 61.7%

ICON plc, a healthcare intelligence and clinical research organization, revealed the progress it has made in advancing its sustainability goals in 2022, with 61.7% of electricity in 2022 sourced from renewables.

GHG Emissions  -  May 16, 2023

Herc Rentals Uses Target-Based ESG Approach

Herc Rentals Inc., an equipment rental company, reduced its Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity by 17% from a 2019 baseline, achieving 70% of the company’s goal of a 25% reduction by 2030.

GHG Emissions  -  May 14, 2023

Wendy's 2022 Corporate Responsibility Report

The Wendy's Company 2022 Corporate Responsibility report details significant progress against the three key pillars of the Company's Good Done Right ESG strategy: Food, People and Footprint. The report reflects milestones on Wendy's® journey to drive positive change, including setting new goals to cut GHG emissions.

May 12, 2023

Microsoft's 2022 Environmental Sustainability Report

Microsoft’s 2022 Environmental Sustainability Report features a look at a company focused on getting its own house in order and delivering on its sustainability commitments.

GHG Emissions  -  May 12, 2023

Keysight Increases Use of RE, Lowers Energy Use

Keysight increased its global renewable electricity portfolio, including the installation of a 5.8 megawatt (MW) peak rooftop solar array at the company's largest facility in Penang, Malaysia.

Finance  -  May 12, 2023

BNP Paribas Withdraws From Financing Oil & Gas

French bank BNP Paribas will no longer provide any financing used for the development of new oil and gas fields as it continues to align its loan portfolio with a net zero emissions trajectory.

GHG Emissions  -  May 11, 2023

Yelp Creates Science-Based Reduction Plan

Yelp Inc., a company that connects customers with local businesses, set a goal to reach net zero by 2031.

GHG Emissions  -  May 11, 2023

Discover Targets 50% Emissions Reduction

Discover, a digital banking and payment services company established a goal to lower its Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions by 50% from the 2017 baseline by 2030.

GHG Emissions  -  May 10, 2023

Granite Improves Energy Efficiency at Facilities

Granite, a construction and construction materials company, invested $6.1 million throughout the company to lower emissions and improve energy efficiency at its materials facilities.

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