Demand Management | Page 37
Utilities - March 16, 2016
Duke Energy to invest more than $1B in Indiana grid modernization
Duke Energy, one of the country's largest utilities, will invest $1.4 billion over the next seven years to upgrade the power grid in Indiana.
Energy Efficiency - March 14, 2016
DOE Better Buildings Summit registration open to public
Registration is now open to the public for the U.S. Department of Energy’s 2016 Better Buildings Summit in Washington, D.C.
Energy Efficiency - March 9, 2016
Con Edison boasts strong year for energy efficiency incentives for C&I customers
In 2015, 28,300 Con Edison customers got rebates from the utility for making energy-saving upgrades.
Energy Storage - March 8, 2016
US energy storage market 'really took off' in 2015, grew 243%
Energy storage is beginning to make serious inroads, particularly at the utility-scale level, according to a new report by GTM Research.
Energy Efficiency - March 8, 2016
General Motors, Union Bank earn EPA Energy Star certifications
Commercial and industrial business leaders Union Bank and General Motors received the U.S. EPA's Energy Star certification for energy efficiency.
Demand Management - March 3, 2016
ALDI installs energy management systems at nearly 1,500 locations
ALDI is making concerted efforts to improve sustainability at its stores by cutting power consumption and greenhouse gas emissions through the use of energy efficiency an
March 2, 2016
Arizona utility plans more solar, will offer new efficiency incentives
Tucson Electric Power on March 2 filed its preliminary 2016 integrated resource plan with the Arizona Corporation Commission.
Energy Efficiency - March 1, 2016
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Advancing Industrial Energy Efficiency 2000-2015
This report reviews the origins, design and results of the Energy Star industrial program over the past fifteen years. As the report illustrates, energy efficiency is a cost-effective strategy for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacturing sector.
Demand Management - February 29, 2016
Southern to acquire PowerSecure International for $431M
The pace of change in the utility sector became more evident last week when Southern Co. announced plans to acquire PowerSecure International.
February 29, 2016
EPA recognizes 70 manufacturing plants with 2015 Energy Star certifications
The U.S. EPA announced Feb. 24 that 70 manufacturing plants were recognized for superior energy performance in 2015 by receiving Energy Star certification.
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