Energy Efficiency | Page 142
October 28, 2022
RBC Sets 2030 Emission Reduction Targets
RBC announced its initial set of 2030 interim emissions reduction targets (initial interim targets) for three key sectors: oil & gas, power generation, and automotive.
GHG Emissions - October 28, 2022
Armstrong World Industries’ Targets Approved by SBTi
Armstrong World Industries, Inc. a company who is involved in the design, innovation and manufacture of ceiling and wall solutions, announced the approval of its 2030 GHG reduction targets by the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi).
GHG Emissions - October 27, 2022
Hemlock Semiconductor Sets 2028 Goals
Hemlock Semiconductor (HSC) established a set of commitments which include reducing its Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions by 30% by 2028.
GHG Emissions - October 27, 2022
Fresh Del Monte Produce Progresses on Emission Goals
Fresh Del Monte Produce Inc., a vertically integrated producer, marketer and distributor of fruit and vegetables, continues to make progress toward its goal of reducing food waste by 50% by 2030.
October 25, 2022
Apple Aims to Decarbonize Supply Chain by 2030
Apple is evaluating the work of its major manufacturing partners to decarbonize their Apple-related operations.
GHG Emissions - October 25, 2022
Aurubis Testing Blue Ammonia As Fuel Source
Mining company Aurubis announced a test series for the use of blue ammonia in copper rod production as it aims for climate neutrality.
Energy Efficiency - October 24, 2022 - By Better Buildings
Better Buildings Showcase: Life Time Chanhassen Athletic Club
The Life Time Chanhassen, MN Athletic Club reduced energy use intensity by 35% and water use intensity by nearly 60%. This column highlights how this Better Buildings Showcase project implemented a range of electric, natural gas, and water efficiency improvements from 2011 to 2021 to achieve these and other goals.
GHG Emissions - October 24, 2022
IHS Towers To Cut Emissions 50% by 2030
IHS Holding Limited, independent owners, operators, and developers of shared communications infrastructure, set a comprehensive strategy for decreasing IHS Towers’ emissions.
GHG Emissions - October 24, 2022
Bloomberg Increases Carbon Emissions Data
Bloomberg has increased its carbon emissions dataset to cover 100,000 companies.
GHG Emissions - October 21, 2022
Deere Emission Goals Approved by SBTi
Deere & Company announced that its emissions reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).
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