Energy Efficiency | Page 261
Energy Storage - March 5, 2019
Boston food bank installs thermal energy storage
The Greater Boston Food Bank has posted a 75% reduction in energy use during targeted peak hours and substantial cost savings since the beginning of the year after installing a new thermal energy storage (TES) system for the refrigeration units at its 117,000 square-foot, high-efficiency Yawkey Distribution Center in South Boston.
Energy Efficiency - March 4, 2019
Benchmarking and Transparency: Resources for State and Local Leaders
Buildings account for about 40% of the energy consumed in the U.S. and therefore offer a great opportunity for energy and cost savings. This resource guide from Better Buildings shows how benchmarking and transparency can provide the foundation for improved energy performance.
Energy Efficiency - March 4, 2019
Lafayette College plans carbon neutrality
Lafayette College, located in Easton, Penn., has approved Climate Action Plan 2.0 (CAP), a major sustainability initiative developed to guide the college towards achieving carbon neutrality by 2035.
Solar - February 27, 2019
Solarize Philly hits Phase 3
The Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA) has reached Phase 3 of Solarize Philly, a group-buying program to promote residential solar. The PEA has issued an RFP to solicit business information and pricing proposals from solar PV installers that are interested in delivering cost-competitive rooftop solar installations to Philadelphia homeowners in 2019, on the basis of which it expects to select multiple installers.
February 27, 2019
Google uses AI to predict wind output
Google has partnered with DeepMind to apply machine learning algorithms to 700 megawatts of wind power capacity in the central U.S. that are part of Google’s global fleet of renewable energy projects, with the goal of strengthening the business case for wind power and driving further adoption of carbon-free energy on electric grids worldwide.
Energy Efficiency - February 26, 2019
Bonduelle Fresh Americas to add cogeneration system
Bonduelle Fresh Americas, formerly Ready Pac Foods, today announced investment in and installation of an energy-efficient cogeneration system at the company's Irwindale, Calif. production plant. This integrated system, which will be completed by the end of this year, will simultaneously supply the plant with electricity while using the waste heat to provide chilled water to the facility through an absorption chiller.
Energy Efficiency - February 25, 2019
FSU to run all-electric bus fleet
StarMetro, the city of Tallahassee's public transit system, has agreed to purchase 22 electric buses to service Florida State University (FSU), bringing the StarMetro fleet to a total of 27. FSU is one of the first universities in the nation to decommission its entire fossil-fuel powered fleet and upgrade it to a 100% percent battery-electric fleet.
February 21, 2019
U of Hawaiʻi creates energy-smart university
The University of Hawaiʻi has completed the installation of an Energy Internet of Things (IoT) platform across the institution’s 10 campuses. The project helps advance the university’s strategic sustainability priorities, which focuses on energy data management, energy efficiency, and expanding its renewable energy portfolio.
Sourcing Renewables - February 21, 2019
Hoboken goes (renewable) electric
Mayor Ravi S. Bhalla announced the City of Hoboken will begin purchasing 100% clean, renewable electricity for municipal facilities starting in April of 2019, making Hoboken one of the first municipalities in New Jersey to adopt 100% renewable electricity in municipal buildings.
GHG Emissions - February 20, 2019
Heineken reports progress on Dropping the C
Heineken reported a 47% decrease in carbon emissions from production since 2008, putting the company even further ahead of its 2020 commitment of 40%, which was initially reached last year.
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