Energy Efficiency | Page 34 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency | Page 34

GHG Emissions  -  August 21, 2024

Rain Carbon Lowers Emissions, Assesses Scope 3

Rain Carbon Inc. (RAIN), a global producer of carbon-based products and advanced materials, announced the reduction of emissions at its plants.

GHG Emissions  -  August 20, 2024

Lumos Sets SBTi Goals

Lumos, a fiber optic internet and home Wi-Fi service provider based in High Point, North Carolina, announced its participation in the Science Based Targets initiative.

GHG Emissions  -  August 19, 2024 - By Alex Dews, Chief Executive Officer, IMT, and Marshall Duer-Balkind, Director of Policy Programs, IMT

Zero to Hero: We Now Have a National Definition of a Zero Emissions Building

On June 6 the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) rolled out the National Definition of a Zero Emissions Building. In this column, the Institute for Market Transformation (IMT) breaks down the elements of the definition, outlines how the industry will use the definition, and suggests what may be next in its evolution.

Regulation  -  August 16, 2024

WEBINAR REPLAY: Climate Regulations Are Coming - Are You Ready?

It is in the news everywhere: more climate regulations and mandates are passing every day. In today's ever-changing regulatory landscape, businesses need to stay up to date on the latest climate regulations and best practices for compliance. Attend EnergyCAP’s latest webinar where leading experts, Jessica Pransky, Principal Analyst at Verdantix and Amber Artrip, VP of Marketing with EnergyCAP, demystify the evolving landscape of environmental compliance and arm you with tactics and tools to comply.

Energy Efficiency  -  August 16, 2024

UMass Lowell Retrofits 5 Buildings to Lower Emissions

UMass Lowell is retrofitting five buildings on its campus to improve energy efficiency and lower emissions.

GHG Emissions  -  August 16, 2024

Essity's Net-Zero Emission Goals Approved by SBTi

Essity, a hygiene and health company, announced its targets to reach net zero GHG emissions by 2050 were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

GHG Emissions  -  August 15, 2024

KLA's Emission Targets Approved by SBTi

KLA Corporation, an equipment and services company for the semiconductor industry, announced that its near-term targets to lower GHG emissions by 2030 were approved by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

GHG Emissions  -  August 15, 2024

Darling Ingredients Sets 2030 Goals

Darling Ingredients Inc. announced a target to lower Scope 1 and 2 emissions 42% by 2030, which aligns with its commitment to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi).

GHG Emissions  -  August 14, 2024 - By Better Buildings, U.S. Department of Energy

The Sherwin-Williams Company: Accelerating Energy Reduction Initiatives Through Third-Party Audits

To achieve its Scope 1 and Scope 2 sustainability goals of reducing GHG emissions by 30%, Sherwin-Williams recognized the need for external energy audits to identify new opportunities and accelerate energy and emissions savings. In this Better Buildings column, find out how third-party audits produced energy reduction opportunities for the company with a potential of 7.7 million kWh in energy savings and a GHG emissions reduction potential of 10,000 metric tons of CO2.

GHG Emissions  -  August 14, 2024

Kinetik Lowers Emissions by 14%

Kinetik Holdings Inc. announced it made meaningful advances towards its long-term emissions goals despite a nearly 25% increase in natural gas volumes on its system since 2021. The company lowered its methane and GHG gas emissions intensities by 32% and 14%, respectively, over that same period. 

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