GHG Emissions | Page 194
GHG Emissions - January 12, 2023
Absolut Company Updates Emission Progress
The Absolut Company announced its 2030 carbon emission goals remain on track via its Absolut Vodka, Kahlúa and Malibu brands.
GHG Emissions - January 12, 2023
Schaeffler Group’s Goals Receives SBTi Approval
The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) validated the Schaeffler Group’s targets for reducing GHG emissions as being in conformity with SBTi criteria and recommendations.
GHG Emissions - January 11, 2023
Replay Race to Net-Zero Episode 1: The Starting Point - Key Drivers of the Net-Zero Movement
NRG Energy and Smart Energy Decisions’ Race to Net-Zero podcast is a six-episode series centered around the journey to net-zero for businesses like yours. This premiere episode featured host, John Failla and NRG VP of Sustainable Solutions, Lynda Clemmons exploring the evolution of energy, sustainability, and the forces driving companies to act.
GHG Emissions - January 11, 2023
Electra Sets 2050 Goals
Electra Battery Materials Corporation released an ESG framework outlining the company’s priorities and commitments, including pledging to achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050.
GHG Emissions - January 11, 2023
Neiman Marcus Lowers Emissions
Neiman Marcus Group (NMG), a luxury brand retailer, reduced its Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 31% in 2021 compared to its 2019 baseline.
GHG Emissions - January 10, 2023
Smart Energy Decisions Webinar Center
Catch up with the latest Smart Energy Decisions webcasts on-demand at the Webinar Center - your go-to resource for presentations you need to help you make the best decisions for your energy strategies. Recent webinars include "Delivering Sustainable Energy as a Service as the first step towards net zero goals," "How 24/7 Carbon Data is Shaping the Travel & Tourism Industry," How to Optimize your Energy Strategy to Cut Costs, Increase Resilience and Secure Sustainable Growth," "Managing Fleet Electrification - Real-life Insights from GM, Houston, Portland, and Genentech," and "Energy Storage & Demand Response: A Lucrative Combination."
GHG Emissions - January 10, 2023
Houston Texans Buys Carbon Credits
NFL's Houston Texans will purchase carbon dioxide (CO2) removal credits to offset the estimated carbon emissions for the team’s future air travel to regular season away games for three seasons.
GHG Emissions - January 10, 2023
80 Acres Uses Tech to Improve Sustainable Farming
80 Acres Farms, an indoor farming company, received an initial investment from Siemens Financial Services and will use its technology to foster sustainable, traceable and more productive farming practices.
GHG Emissions - January 10, 2023
REV Group Lowers Emissions with Alternative Fuel Solutions
REV Group, Inc., a company that designs and manufactures specialty vehicles in the fire & emergency, commercial and recreation industries, reduced its energy use and GHG emissions over FY2021.
Finance - January 10, 2023
Air France-KLM Issues Sustainability-linked Bond
Air France-KL placed its first sustainability-linked bonds for a nominal amount of €1.0 billion that are linked to the company’s target to reduce its well-to-wake Scope 1 and 3 jet fuel GHG emissions.
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