GHG Emissions | Page 306
GHG Emissions - April 23, 2021
Travelers Commits to Carbon Neutrality by 2030
The Travelers Companies, Inc. has pledged to achieve net-zero emissions across its owned operations by 2030. Aligned with the Paris Climate Agreement, this goal will lower current CO2 emissions by 50,000 metric tons annually.
GHG Emissions - April 23, 2021
Williams-Sonoma Commits to Carbon Neutrality by 2025
Williams-Sonoma announced April 22 that it is committed to being carbon neutral in its own operations by 2025 and cutting emissions across its value chain by 2030.
GHG Emissions - April 23, 2021
Russell Investments Will Manage a Net-Zero Global Portfolio by 2050
Russell Investments announced a commitment to ensuring net zero emissions within its global investment portfolios by 2050.
GHG Emissions - April 23, 2021
Hilton Shows Progress in Its 2020 ESG Report
Hilton’s 2020 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report revealed that the hotel brand is steadily working towards their 2030 SBTi goals to reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from Hilton-managed hotels by 61%, and emissions from franchisees by 52%.
GHG Emissions - April 23, 2021
Flex Commits to Halve Operational Emissions by 2030
As it joins SBTi, manufacturing giant Flex has pledged to eliminate 50% of its absolute scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.
GHG Emissions - April 23, 2021
L'Oréal Paris to Reduce Carbon Footprint 50% by 2030
L'Oréal Paris cosmetics company announced on April 22 that it will reduce its carbon footprint by 50% by 2030. The company will also contribute 10 million Euros to environmental projects that will benefit women around the world.
GHG Emissions - April 22, 2021
President Biden Targets 50% GHG Emissions Reduction by 2030
Building on his goal for the U.S. to achieve net zero emissions by 2050, President Biden has set a new GHG emissions target for the United States: 50% economy-wide reduction from 2005 levels by 2030.
Energy Efficiency - April 22, 2021
Kohl’s Reaches 2025 Energy Efficiency and Emissions Goals - 4 Years Early
Kohl’s announced on April 22 that it has already achieved or exceeded its 2025 energy use and emissions targets. These goals included lowering Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions from Kohl’s-owned operations by 50% (compared to 2014) and reducing its facilities’ energy consumption by 30% (compared to 2008).
April 22, 2021
Cisco Foundation to Fight Climate Change With $100 Million
The Cisco Foundation will invest $100 million over ten years to fund nonprofit grants and solutions that fight the growing climate crisis. The Foundation's endowment, funded by Cisco, will help reverse the impact of climate change and set ambitious goals to power a more sustainable future.
GHG Emissions - April 22, 2021
Thomson Reuters Beats Climate Change Targets
On Earth Day, April 22, 2021, Thomson Reuters, the news, legal and information service, announced it has reduced its annual greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 93% from 2018 baseline levels.
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