GHG Emissions | Page 367
GHG Emissions - July 24, 2019
AIG releases inaugural TCFD Report
American International Group, Inc. issued its first Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) report and created a position of Chief Sustainability Officer to lead the development and implementation of a company-wide sustainability strategy. Jennifer Waldner has been appointed to fill this role.
GHG Emissions - July 23, 2019
Efficiency keeps pace with production at Skyworks
Skyworks Solutions, Inc., a producer of high-performance analog semiconductors, reported year-over-year savings of 72.700-megawatt hours in 2018, enough to power more than 6,000 homes for one year.
GHG Emissions - July 23, 2019
BD reports progress on 2020 goals
BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), a leading global medical technology company, reached a 75% reduction in GHG emissions in 2018 from a baseline year of 2008, normalized to cost of products sold, well ahead of its 2020 target of 50%.
GHG Emissions - July 22, 2019
S&P Global ahead of 5-year GHG target
S&P Global has reduced its GHG emissions by 30% from 2013 to 2018, twice the rate of its 15% goal for that timeframe. The company also achieved a reduction in their Scope 1 & 2 emissions.
July 20, 2019
Weekend reads: a Marshall Plan for climate change; Car-free city centers
It's the weekend! Kick back, stay cool and catch up with these can't-miss articles from around the web:
July 19, 2019
New York signs largest offshore wind deal
New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo executed the nation's largest offshore wind agreement and the single largest renewable energy procurement by any state in U.S. history - nearly 1,700 megawatts -with the selection of two offshore wind projects.
GHG Emissions - July 18, 2019
Mitsubishi beats emissions targets
Mitsubishi Electric announced total CO2 emissions from production (GHG other than CO2 converted into CO2 mass) were reduced to 1.3 million tons in fiscal 2019, beating the target of 1.43 million tons. The reduction was attributed to measures such as the introduction of high-efficiency equipment and revised operations.
Sourcing Renewables - July 17, 2019
Utility acquires Geronimo Energy
National Grid, an investor-owned utility, has completed its $100 million acquisition of Geronimo Energy, a leading wind and solar developer in North America. The acquisition was made through its competitive non-regulated unit, National Grid Ventures
July 15, 2019
QTS commits to 100% RE
QTS Realty Trust, a provider of hybrid colocation and mega-scale data center solutions in North America and Europe, announced its commitment to procure 100% of power from renewable energy sources by 2025. The company has also joined RE100.
Energy Efficiency - July 12, 2019 - By Cliff Majersik, IMT
Washington Blazes a Trail for State Action on Energy Efficiency
Washington State recently became the first state to adopt an existing building performance standard, putting it at the forefront of all states in addressing energy efficiency in buildings. In this column from the Institute for Market Transformation, Executive Director Cliff Majersik shows how Washington is blazing a trail that other states are likely to follow.
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