Industrial | Page 171 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Industrial | Page 171

Energy Efficiency  -  March 31, 2016

Study: Lighting as a service revenue will reach $1.6B globally in 2025

The market for lighting as a service in commercial buildings is expected to grow tremendously over the next decade, with revenue likely to hit $1.6B by 2025, according to a new study.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 30, 2016

Verizon, GM among C&I names that earned 2016 Energy Star recognition

About 150 business and organizations - more than 60 of which are classified as C&I companies - were recognized by Energy Star in 2016.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 30, 2016 - By Nancy Buzby

Storytelling for sustainability: It's time for corporate leaders to gather 'round the campfire

The term 'greenwashing' might be officially outdated.

Regulation  -  March 29, 2016

SEC, ruling against ExxonMobil, says oil giant must allow shareholder vote on climate change

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, siding with a group of ExxonMobil shareholders, is requiring the company to include a climate change resolution on its annual proxy.

Utilities  -  March 29, 2016

Edison International launches energy advisory unit aimed at C&I customers

In a move that shows recognition of value in the "energy-as-a-service" approach, Edison International has launched an energy advisory company aimed at C&I customers.

Commercial  -  March 25, 2016

5 more HanesBrands manufacturing plants earn EPA recognition for energy efficiency

Five additional HanesBrands manufacturing plants have earned U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Energy Star Challenge for Industry recognition by reducing energy use.

Energy Storage  -  March 25, 2016

C&I energy storage industry annual revenue to hit $10.8B by 2025, study finds

Within the C&I sector, the industrial buildings segment is expected to deploy the largest about of cumulative new capacity — an estimated 9.3 GW — over the next decade.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  March 16, 2016

Lockheed Martin integrates energy portfolio into single commercial business

Technology company and defense contractor Lockheed Martin combined its energy products and technologies into a single commercial business line.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 9, 2016

Con Edison boasts strong year for energy efficiency incentives for C&I customers

In 2015, 28,300 Con Edison customers got rebates from the utility for making energy-saving upgrades.

Energy Storage  -  March 8, 2016

US energy storage market 'really took off' in 2015, grew 243%

Energy storage is beginning to make serious inroads, particularly at the utility-scale level, according to a new report by GTM Research.

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