Energy Management Articles | Page 179
GHG Emissions - June 8, 2023
Mercedes-Benz to Use Carbon-Free Steel
Mercedes-Benz signed a supply agreement to receive over approximately 50,000 tons of almost CO₂-free steel per year for its European press shops.
Distributed Energy Resources - June 8, 2023
Schneider Provides Zero Emission Electric Charging in California
Schneider National Inc., a provider of transportation, intermodal and logistics services, announced that it completed the construction of an electric charging depot at its South El Monte Intermodal Operations Center in southern California.
GHG Emissions - June 7, 2023
Kellogg is On Track for Better Days
Kellogg announced a 31.1% absolute reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions since 2015; a 13% absolute reduction in Scope 3 GHG emissions since 2015; and sourcing of 40.3% of electricity from renewables.
GHG Emissions - June 7, 2023
De Beers Advances on 2030 Building Forever Goals
De Beers Group is accelerating its efforts to advance sustainability throughout the diamond value chain in the countries where it operates.
Solar - June 7, 2023
LG Electronics to Use 100% RE by 2050
LG Electronics (LG) completed its plans to convert all its business sites to 100% adoption of renewable energy by 2050.
Solar - June 7, 2023
Community Solar for the Retail Sector
Investing in community solar has become a viable option for large companies looking to help spur the development of localized renewable energy, while also making progress toward their own climate and social equity goals. The "Community Solar for the Retail Sector" fact sheet from Better Buildings explains how retailers - including Starbucks, Kohl's, and Walmart - can benefit while also supporting clean, local energy.
Finance - June 7, 2023
Fisker Sells Emission Credits
Fisker Inc. is preparing to incorporate the sale of emission credits into its business strategy in the U.S.
GHG Emissions - June 7, 2023
Fortive Lowers Emissions by 22%
Fortive Corporation announced it achieved a 22.4% reduction in absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions from 2019-2022.
GHG Emissions - June 6, 2023
PotlatchDeltic Stores Carbon Emissions
PotlatchDeltic Corporation removed and stored 3.2 million metric tons of CO2e (Scope 1 and 3) with GHG emissions (Scope 1-3) of 2.6 million metric tons of CO2e.
GHG Emissions - June 6, 2023
Watts Water Technologies Lowers Emissions by 31%
Watts Water Technologies lowered its global water use intensity by 11% and purchased 100% certified renewable energy credits to offset annual electric consumption at seven U.S. sites.
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