Energy Management Articles | Page 224
Distributed Energy Resources - April 4, 2023
Plymouth State University to Support Grid Resilience with EVs
Plymouth State University (PSU) is sourcing 1 MWh of energy from two Nissan LEAF electric vehicles (EVs) to offset its AllWell Center’s electricity needs.
Regulation - April 3, 2023
Successful Energy Transition Calls for Bold Actions, Says WETO Report
The global energy transition calls for accelerated action. That was the key message at the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue, during which IRENA's Director-General, Francesco La Camera, introduced the World Energy Transitions Outlook 2023 Preview with the goal to speed up meaningful progress.
Energy Storage - April 3, 2023
Camp Lejeune Begins Operating 11-MW Battery Project
An 11-MW battery project at Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune has begun operation and is the largest battery system in North Carolina.
GHG Emissions - April 3, 2023
Electrolux Group Becomes One of the First Companies to Achieve Climate Target
Electrolux Group, a global appliance company, is three years ahead of its plan to achieve a science-based climate target.
GHG Emissions - April 3, 2023
Commerzbank’s Ambitious Emissions Reduction Targets Validated by SBTi
The SBTi has validated the bank’s near-term emissions reduction targets for 2030.
GHG Emissions - April 3, 2023
The State of Decarbonization: A Closer Look at Institutions
The 2022 State of Decarbonization Study results show interesting degrees of difference in responses from institutions compared to other types of organizations. In this Closer Look at Institutions, we dive deeper into results for the institutional sector, which includes higher education and healthcare, to explore their rate of setting emissions reduction goals, as well as drivers and challenges to deploying decarbonization strategies .
Energy Efficiency - April 1, 2023
Weekend Reads: Green Subsidy Race; Renewable Generation Surpasses Coal and Nuclear
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:
Commercial - March 31, 2023
Amazon Signs PPAs for Global Wind and Solar
Amazon has signed power purchase agreements (PPAs) for wind and solar projects across Europe, the U.S., and Asia-Pacific. The agreements are another step on Amazon's path to power its operations with 100% renewable energy by 2025, five years ahead of its original commitment to do so by 2030.
Hydro - March 31, 2023
Puget Sound Energy Announces Long-Term Hydropower Contract
Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and Chelan County Public Utility District (PUD) are joining forces to power Puget with renewable hydropower in the long term. This 20-year contract gives Puget the environmentally friendly infrastructure to achieve future renewable energy goals and flexibly fulfill Washington’s energy needs.
March 31, 2023
Northrop Grumman Reduces Emissions by 11%
Northrop Grumman Corporation, an aerospace and defense technology company, achieved an 11% reduction in GHG emissions compared to 2019 and obtained 10% of electricity from renewable sources, as reported in its latest Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report.
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