Energy Management Articles | Page 333
Energy Efficiency - April 4, 2022
Zurich Insurance Sets 2030 Goals
Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich) is bringing forward by 20 years its target to achieve net zero emissions in its operations and now aims to reach the goal by 2030.
Distributed Energy Resources - April 4, 2022 - By Better Buildings, U.S. Department of Energy
Ford Motor Company: Dearborn Campus Uses Digital Twin Tool for Energy Plant Management
At Ford’s Dearborn Research and Engineering Campus Central Energy Plant (CEP), the digital twin helps operators and engineers manage energy and operational risks by monitoring the CEP’s energy systems, including the combined heat and power (CHP) system, heat recovery chillers, electric centrifugal chillers, thermal energy storage, and other equipment. This column from the Department of Energy's Better Buildings explores how the design and construction of the CEP ensure that campus building upgrades followed specific sustainability principles.
GHG Emissions - April 4, 2022
CIBC Sets 2030 Goals
CIBC announced targets to significantly reduce the carbon intensity of its financed emissions in the oil and gas sector by 2030.
GHG Emissions - April 4, 2022
NXP Semiconductors Sets 2035 Goals
NXP Semiconductors N.V. announced its future goals, which include achieving carbon neutrality by 2035.
Distributed Energy Resources - April 4, 2022
LAX Adds Commercial EV Charging
Los Angeles International Airport premiered a new commercial EV charging installation that supports medium- and heavy-duty electric vehicle fleets.
GHG Emissions - April 1, 2022 - By Cliff Majersik, IMT
SEC Takes Historic Step Forward on Climate Transparency
In a major step forward for transparency, the Securities and Exchange Commission proposed on March 21 that public companies be required to publish their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this column, Cliff Majersik, IMT's Senior Advisor, Policy and Programs, outlines the real estate implications of this proposed rule on climate risk disclosure
Solar - April 1, 2022
PepsiCo Collaborates to Increase Renewable Electricity Adoption
PepsiCo announces the creation of pep+ REnew, a collaboration to increase value chain partner access to renewable electricity as part of the company's goal to achieve net-zero emissions by 2040.
GHG Emissions - April 1, 2022
Marsh McLennan Sets 2050 Goals
Marsh McLennan announced its commitment to set and execute low carbon transition strategies that chart a path to net zero across its operations by 2050.
GHG Emissions - April 1, 2022
DOE Gives Energy-Saving Rules for Buildings
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced new building energy code requirements for federal buildings that will ensure that the federal government leads by example in energy efficiency.
Distributed Energy Resources - March 31, 2022
Modesto City Schools Add Zero Emission Buses
Modesto City Schools in California purchased 30 zero-emission school buses to rapidly convert nearly 50% of its diesel-powered bus fleet to clean energy to reduce GHG gas emissions.
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