Energy Management Articles | Page 362
GHG Emissions - December 15, 2021
Better Cotton To Lower GHG by 2030
Better Cotton announced the launch of its 2030 strategy, including a climate change mitigation target to reduce overall GHG emissions per tonne of Better Cotton produced by 50% by 2030.
GHG Emissions - December 15, 2021
Music Industry Pledges Net Zero Emissions by 2050
Several music companies that represent many of the most popular singers signed a commitment to decarbonize the global music business by reducing GHG emissions to net zero by 2050 and achieving a 50% reduction by 2030.
Sourcing Renewables - December 15, 2021
Smithfield Foods Joins Farm Powered Strategic Alliance
Smithfield Foods Inc. is the latest food company to join the Farm Powered Strategic Alliance (FPSA), a collaborative movement to boost food waste reduction and recycling and expand renewable energy production across America.
Sourcing Renewables - December 15, 2021
American Natural Gas Signs RNG Deal
American Natural Gas, LLC has signed a 10-year agreement to receive renewable natural gas (RNG), which will supply its compressed natural gas (CNG) in stations nationwide.
December 14, 2021
Albright College Adds EV Charging Stations
Albright College announced the installation of 16 EV charging stations on its campus that will be used by the staff, students and the community.
Energy Efficiency - December 14, 2021
Paducah, KY Schools Approve Energy Conservation Plan
The members of the Paducah Independent School District Board approved a $10.6 million plan to reduce its energy usage, according to an article from the Paducah Sun.
December 14, 2021
Westchester County, NY Rolls Out Solar Project
A community solar and storage facility located in Westchester County, New York was completed for Catholic Charities Progress of Peoples Development Corporation (CCPOPD).
Distributed Energy Resources - December 14, 2021
White House Sets EV Charging Goals
The White House released an EV Charging Action Plan to outline steps federal agencies are taking to support developing and deploying chargers in American communities across the country.
December 13, 2021
5 Trends for Renewable Energy Buyers in 2022 and Beyond
Enel Green Power’s guide offers unique insights for companies designing their sustainable energy procurement strategies. The guide responds to companies’ questions regarding near-term growth and developments in wind and solar. Readers will learn about the rise of decarbonization and Scope 3 targets, increasing interest in environmental and social aspects of projects, supply chain, workforce and transmission challenges, demands for new solutions and the latest regulatory developments.
Sourcing Renewables - December 13, 2021
Isle of Wight County Schools Offsets Electricity With Solar
The Isle of Wight County Schools will now offset nearly 50% of the total electricity needs of seven of its schools with a combined 3.3 MW solar system.
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