Energy Management Articles | Page 387
Solar - September 16, 2021
Ontex Begins Work on Italy's Largest Onsite Solar Project
Ontex began construction Sept. 14 on what will be Italy's largest onsite solar power installation.
Solar - September 16, 2021
lululemon Achieves 100% RE Use with New Solar Deal
lululemon athletica will soon achieve its 2021 goal of sourcing 100% renewable energy thanks to a VPPA completed Sept. 15.
GHG Emissions - September 15, 2021
PepsiCo Launches pep+ Sustainability Initiative
PepsiCo announced Sept. 15 the launch of its pep+ sustainability transformation that will focus the company’s sustainability efforts across its operations and value chain.
GHG Emissions - September 15, 2021
JBG SMITH Achieves Carbon Neutrality With Offsets
JBG SMITH announced Sept. 13 that it has achieved carbon neutrality across its entire operating portfolio.
GHG Emissions - September 14, 2021
Diageo's Emissions Targets Have Been Approved by SBTi
Diageo announced Sept. 9 that its 2030 emissions targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative and meet the criteria for the global effort to stop warming before 1.5C.
Solar - September 14, 2021
Walmart Reflects on 51 Solar Projects Installed Across Locations
Walmart has completed agreements for more than 50 solar projects totaling 38.3 MW installed at locations across seven states.
GHG Emissions - September 14, 2021
Carbon Action Network Builds Coalition Around Carbon Footprint of Buildings
A group of businesses that includes Facebook, LinkedIn, Microsoft, Salesforce and San Francisco International Airport was brought together in an initiative meant to address the impact of embodied carbon emissions within the building sector.
Sourcing Renewables - September 13, 2021
Go Beyond the Meter with Season 3 Podcast Premiere
Smart Energy Decisions announces the premiere of Season 3 of the Beyond the Meter podcast series. This season takes a close look at the meaningful impact renewable energy projects can have on the world around you, with industry guests discussing how their cleaner energy transition is driving positive change both within their organization and in the larger community.
GHG Emissions - September 13, 2021
Western Digital Receives SBTi Approval for Emissions Targets
Western Digital announced Sept. 9 that its emissions targets have been approved by the Science Based Targets initiative in line with the Paris Agreement criteria.
GHG Emissions - September 13, 2021
Cintas Targets Net-Zero by 2050
Cintas Corporation announced Sept. 9 that it plans to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.
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