Energy Management Articles | Page 438
GHG Emissions - March 8, 2021
Rayonier captured 5.7 million tons of CO2
Rayonier announced March 1 that in 2019 its timberland assets sequestered an estimated 5.7 million tons of CO2 equivalents from the atmosphere, after accounting for carbon emitted through operations and carbon removed to customers through harvest activity.
GHG Emissions - March 8, 2021
City of Santa Monica creates zero-emissions delivery zone
The City of Santa Monica announced on Feb. 25 that it deployed a zero-emissions delivery zone within a one-square mile voluntary area by partnering with tech and delivery companies and community organizations.
GHG Emissions - March 8, 2021
A.P. Moller - Maersk reveals the world's first carbon neutral vessel
A.P. Moller - Maersk recently announced that it will be launching the world’s first carbon neutral liner vessel in 2023, seven years ahead of its original target date.
Sourcing Renewables - March 8, 2021 - By Catherine Paquette, Cisco
EnergyOps: Reducing Cisco’s energy use and greenhouse gas emissions
Within Cisco’s direct operations, the main source of emissions is the energy required to operate labs and data centers. Catherine Paquette of Cisco explains in this column how the unique approach of the company's Global Energy Management and Sustainability (GEMS) team has driven progress toward achieving their Scope 1 and 2 GHG reduction goals.
Sourcing Renewables - March 6, 2021
Weekend reads: Discovering Amazon's EV company; The woman at the helm of Biden's climate plan
It's the weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web.
Finance - March 5, 2021
Goldman Sachs completed $156B in sustainable financing in 2020
Goldman Sachs announced March 4 that it achieved a fifth of its 2030 sustainable financing goal that it set in 2020, with $156 billion completed and $93 billion of that dedicated to climate transition.
Finance - March 5, 2021
RBC sets sustainable finance target of $500 billion by 2025
Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) announced its intent to increase its sustainable financing by $500 billion by 2025 and achieve net zero emissions in its lending by 2050.
Sourcing Renewables - March 5, 2021
Kellogg to achieve more than 50% renewable electricity by end of 2022
Kellogg announced on March 3 that it will achieve more than 50% renewable energy to address the electricity needs of its owned manufacturing globally by the end of 2022.
Sourcing Renewables - March 5, 2021
Target adds three new RE projects to cover 25% of electricity use
Target announced March 4 three new renewable energy partnerships that will cover nearly a quarter of all its electricity use with wind and solar power.
Solar - March 4, 2021
Visa adds solar to the grid to power Virginia data center
Visa announced March 3 that it has entered into an agreement that will provide its Virginia data center with 100% renewable energy for five years.
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