Energy Management Articles | Page 551
September 5, 2019
Airport solar farm planned for Wisconsin
Solar generation may soon take flight in Wisconsin, at the Dane County Regional Airport. If approved by the Federal Aviation Administration, the proposed nine megawatt (MW) solar farm is expected to provide about 40% of the electricity needed to power county-owned buildings, saving Dane County about $137,000 annually beginning next year.
September 5, 2019
IBM powers up Boulder solar project
IBM Boulder is on its way to reducing carbon emissions by 40% by 2025 and to helping its home city of Boulder reach its goal of generating 50 megawatts (MW) of electricity through renewable energy sources by next year, then 100 MW by 2030 and 175 MW by 2050.
GHG Emissions - September 4, 2019
Kohl’s to cut GHG emissions
Kohl’s is accelerating its long-term sustainability plans with substantial climate actions, including cutting GHGs emissions and expanding renewable energy platforms.
GHG Emissions - September 4, 2019
Panasonic to be carbon-free by 2050
By 2050, Panasonic Corporation is aiming to run its global operations completely on renewable energy and to emit no carbon dioxide at all. In the meantime, the company has set shorter-term goals as it moves towards 2050.
Wind - September 3, 2019
Facebook signs PPA to power TX ops
Facebook is moving closer to achieving its goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 75% and supporting its entire operation with power generated from renewable sources. The tech giant signed a power purchase agreement (PPA) with Apex Wind East to purchase electricity to support its growing operations in the Cook County, Tex., region.
September 2, 2019
Amazon opens Colorado’s largest rooftop solar
Amazon has installed a solar array on the roof of its 855,000-square-foot Fulfillment Center in Thornton, Colorado, making it the largest single solar system in the state. The solar array, featuring more than 17,000 panels on 19 acres, can generate almost 80% of the facility’s annual energy needs.
GHG Emissions - August 31, 2019
Weekend reads: CDP's global reach; a 40,000% power price spike
It's a long holiday weekend! Kick back and catch up with these must-read articles from around the web:
August 30, 2019
NGA to help four states upgrade their electric grid
The National Governors Association (NGA) will provide technical assistance and policy consultations to upgrade the electrical systems in the states of Maryland, New Jersey, New Mexico, and Rhode Island. The new partnership will help the states better manage challenges to the electrical grid.
GHG Emissions - August 30, 2019
Cushman & Wakefield reports GHG reductions
Cushman & Wakefield, the global real estate service firm, achieved a 26% reduction in global Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions per $billion revenue between 2017 and 2018. The company also achieved a 5% reduction in Scope 3 emissions during the same period.
August 29, 2019
Fifth Third powers up with 100% renewal energy
Fifth Third Bancorp of Cincinnati is now on its way to realizing its goal of powering its operations with 100% renewable energy and meeting its environmental sustainability goals two years ahead of schedule. The company's Aulander Holloman SolarFacility in Hertford County, NC, announced in March 2018, is now open and is expected to generate enough clean energy to equal or even exceed the company’s power needs for a year.
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