Utilities | Page 14 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Utilities | Page 14

GHG Emissions  -  July 21, 2020

Sacramento Municipal Utility District commits to carbon-neutral electricity

Sacramento Municipal Utility District adopted a climate emergency declaration July 17 that committed them to a goal of carbon-neutral electricity by 2030.

Solar  -  May 28, 2020

Maryland farm agrees to host 2.7 MW solar array

The Fritz Family Farms in New Windsor, Md., has agreed to use 12 acres of their 400 grain, hay and cattle farm as the site of a new 2.7 MW solar project that will sell clean energy to a local water and wastewater utility.

Utilities  -  May 27, 2020

Dayton Power & Light denied in effort to recover COVID-related losses

A request from Dayton Power and Light (DP&L) to recover revenues lost due to COVID-19 has been denied by the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio (PUCO) in a ruling announced on May 20.

Commercial  -  May 18, 2020

Facebook data center a major contributor to N.M. clean energy goals

The expansion of 396 MW of solar and wind power that Facebook sources for its data center operations in New Mexico was found to account for a large amount of the state's clean energy generation and to be a major factor in the state reaching their own renewable energy goals.

Utilities  -  May 13, 2020

Synchronizing the Electric Regulatory Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 crisis is influencing every aspect of the global economy, and electric utilities are certainly seeing significant impacts. This column from the Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP) warns that before utility regulators take actions to adjust revenues or rates to reflect COVID-19 impacts, it is important to identify and quantify the broad range of impacts so that those that increase costs or reduce sales can be appropriately offset against those that decrease costs or cause increased sales in some sectors.

Energy Storage  -  April 15, 2020

Clean Power Alliances approves construction of 100 MW battery project

Clean Power Alliance approved April 2 a new Energy Storage Agreement that will result in the construction of a 100 MW battery storage project in California, one of the largest in the state.

Sourcing Renewables  -  April 9, 2020

City of Princeton launches community RE program

The City of Princeton, N.J., announced April 7 a new community renewable energy program that will provide an electric supply with 50% renewable energy content to residents at a slightly cheaper price than the local utility.

Utilities  -  March 19, 2020

Utah legislature invests in EV charging network

The State of Utah may be investing $50 million into an electric vehicle charging infrastructure through a public-private partnership in a new bill that was introduced in the state legislature this week.

Sourcing Renewables  -  March 11, 2020

SED Profiles in Partnership: Cinemark, Schneider Electric, and AEP Energy

Cinemark recently signed a nine-year VPPA for 40 MW of wind power - enough to cover the energy needs of 120 of its theaters. The script for Cinemark's deal opens at the Renewable Energy Sourcing Forum.

Solar  -  February 27, 2020

Kimberly-Clark leases land for Georgia Power solar project

Kimberly-Clark announced Feb. 26 the completion of a 3 MW solar project at their facility in LaGrange, Ga., of which all the output and associated credits will be solar to Georgia Power to advance their renewable energy development goals.

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