Utilities | Page 42 | Energy Management | Smart Energy Decisions

Utilities | Page 42

Utilities  -  April 4, 2016

Michigan utility reportedly developing program for C&Is that want more renewable options

One of Michigan's two biggest utilities is reportedly working on a new program aimed at helping its largest customers obtain more renewable-backed power.

Utilities  -  March 29, 2016

Edison International launches energy advisory unit aimed at C&I customers

In a move that shows recognition of value in the "energy-as-a-service" approach, Edison International has launched an energy advisory company aimed at C&I customers.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 24, 2016

Ohio bank turns its Art Deco landmark building greener, expects $99k in yearly savings

A family owned banking institution has embarked on an $870,000 project to transform its 85-year-old Liberty Tower high rise into "an energy efficient powerhouse."

Energy Efficiency  -  March 18, 2016

Pennsylvania utility greenlit for $420M-plus energy efficiency program

The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission approved Peco Energy's plan to spend $427.4 million over the next five years on energy efficiency programs.

Distributed Energy Resources  -  March 16, 2016

Lockheed Martin integrates energy portfolio into single commercial business

Technology company and defense contractor Lockheed Martin combined its energy products and technologies into a single commercial business line.

Utilities  -  March 16, 2016

Duke Energy to invest more than $1B in Indiana grid modernization

Duke Energy, one of the country's largest utilities, will invest $1.4 billion over the next seven years to upgrade the power grid in Indiana.

Energy Efficiency  -  March 9, 2016

Con Edison boasts strong year for energy efficiency incentives for C&I customers

In 2015, 28,300 Con Edison customers got rebates from the utility for making energy-saving upgrades.

Energy Storage  -  March 8, 2016

US energy storage market 'really took off' in 2015, grew 243%

Energy storage is beginning to make serious inroads, particularly at the utility-scale level, according to a new report by GTM Research.

March 2, 2016

Arizona utility plans more solar, will offer new efficiency incentives

Tucson Electric Power on March 2 filed its preliminary 2016 integrated resource plan with the Arizona Corporation Commission.

Demand Management  -  February 29, 2016

Southern to acquire PowerSecure International for $431M

The pace of change in the utility sector became more evident last week when Southern Co. announced plans to acquire PowerSecure International.

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