Items Tagged with "Sierra Northern Railway"
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Sierra Northern Railway wins funding for hydrogen technology development
Sierra Northern Railway was recently awarded nearly $4 million to fund the development and integration of a hydrogen fuel cell switching locomotive in partnership with GTI.The fund was provided by the California Energy Commission with the intention that GTI and Sierra Northern Railway will demonstra Read More...
Sierra Northern Railway Switches to Zero-Emissions
Sierra Northern Railway announced that it will use hydrogen fuel cell modules from Ballard Power Systems for its upcoming zero-emission switching locomotive."We are pleased to partner with this great team to build and test this innovative zero-emission switching locomotive. We believe this project w Read More...
Sierra Northern Railway Unveils Hydrogen Zero Emission Locomotive Concept
Sierra Northern Railway (SERA) unveiled its hydrogen powered switching locomotive. This zero emission switching locomotive is slated to be completed on schedule. The California Energy Commission awarded $4 million for the design, integration and demonstration of a hydrogen fuel cell switching l Read More...Tags: Sierra Northern Railway,