Tesla outlines pricing for - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Energy Storage, Utilities  -  April 26, 2016

Tesla reveals Powerpack battery systems pricing for utilities, businesses

Tesla Energy has updated its website to include more details, as well as pricing information about its highly publicized Powerpack energy storage system, aimed at utilities and businesses. 

On the new webpage, Tesla also shared details from already in-place systems at companies including Target, Advanced Microgrid Solutions and Jackson Family Wines. Target has installed 16 Tesla powerpacks totaling 1.6 MWh of storage, primarily for the system's peak shaving and load shifting capabilities, according to Tesla's site. 

"Target is excited to be partnering with Tesla to incorporate battery storage into our energy strategy. This technology offers unique benefits to powering our buildings, most importantly relieving stress from the electrical grid at peak times to support our communities," Target is quoted as saying.

The website now includes a "build and order" page, which allows potential customers to design their own Powerpack systems. 

As Electek reported April 22, that page includes pricing details and the option to directly order a system of up to 54 Powerpacks, which represents 5.4 MWh, which totaling $3.2 million excluding installation. The smallest order option on the site is for two Powerpacks, which shakes out to $47,000 each or $470/kWh. 

Tesla Energy's broader press kit includes additional information from its battery storage customers including Amazon Web Services, and on the utility side, Oncor, AES Corp. and Southern California Edison. 

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