Symantec cuts energy use in California - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, Demand Management, Energy Efficiency, Industrial, Sourcing Renewables  -  October 17, 2016

Symantec retrofits cut energy use 30%

Technology company Symantec completely retrofitted two buildings at its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters last year, resulting in a 30% reduction in energy use. 

Outlined in the company's 2016 corporate sustainability report, the retrofits were just two of Symantec's accomplishments toward its broader efforts in energy efficiency, which are a key part of its new greenhouse gas emissions reduction target. Globally, the company is aiming to reduce its
emissions by 30% by 2025 compared with fiscal year 2015. 

As electricity used in its data centers, labs and offices is responsible for more than 90 % of its Scope 1 and 2 emissions, Symantec says it is pursuing a three-pronged strategy that specifically targets electricity consumption and includes: optimizing the use of its spaces, and consolidate where possible; implement energy efficiency projects and engage employees in energy conservation; and finally, pursuing opportunities to use clean and renewable energy sources. 

Details about its renewable energy purchases were not revealed in the report. 

Additionally, Symantec said it strives to certify 100% of its hardware products as Energy Star, though that goal has become a moving target as new products are introduced and others are removed. In fiscal year 2015, the company said 43% of its products are Energy Star certified, with about 29% of products in the process of being Energy Star certified. 

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