EV100 targets 2M+ EVs by 2030 - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency, GHG Emissions, Sourcing Renewables  -  February 8, 2019

EV100 targets 2M+ EVs by 2030

EV100, part of The Climate Group, is targeting the electrification of more than two million vehicles by 2030, according to the first EV100 Progress and Insights Annual Report

The report “shines a light on companies’ fleet and charging commitments,” said Helen Clarkson, CEO of the Climate Group. “It identifies climate action as a key driver, alongside the opportunity to be seen as a leader, and a rapidly maturing business case – battery pack costs have fallen by 85% since 2010.” The report includes an analysis covering 23 members of EV100. “Despite identifying barriers such as lack of available vehicles and charging, these companies are switching at speed, sending a clear demand signal to the marketplace.”

According to EV100 members, key drivers for going electric are: reducing GHG emissions, leading the EV transition, reputational benefits, reducing local air pollution, and financial savings. Among these members, 82% already power at least some of their EV charging with renewable or zero-carbon energy.

A lack of charging infrastructure is cited as a very significant or significant barrier by 71% of EV100 members. The barriers with the highest ‘very significant’ scores are the current up upfront cost of EVs (33%) and the lack of EV options in key markets (24%).

Keywords: EV100

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