Miller County, Arkansas increases energy efficiency in government buildings - Smart Energy Decisions

Energy Efficiency  -  January 22, 2021

Miller County, Arkansas increases energy efficiency in government buildings

Miller County, Arkansas is almost done with making its five main government office buildings more energy-efficient through measures like heating, lighting, cooling and other improvements. 

Dallas-based McKinstry performed the energy efficiency work in the county's Lantz Lurry Juvenile Detention Center, health unit, criminal detention center and sheriff’s office and a building that houses its office of emergency management and senior adult day center. The last renovation will take place in the county's 1939 vintage courthouse.

As the Texarkana Gazette reports, Miller County judge Cathy Harrison said 19-year-old sheriff's office and criminal detention center building showed about $2,800 worth of energy savings for November 2020 as a result of the finished efficiency upgrades. The savings could potentially amount to as much as a $1.7 million savings over a five to 10-year period, providing a return that means little overall expense for the county.

Ongoing improvements to the county's courthouse include aged boiler replacement and installing a new central air conditioning system, which will replace the building's aged individual window air conditioning units.

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