Vaisala achieves target to use 100% renewable electricity - Smart Energy Decisions

Solar, Sourcing Renewables, Wind  -  February 2, 2021

Vaisala achieves target to use 100% renewable electricity

Vaisala, a weather, environmental and industrial measurements company, announced on Feb. 2 that it achieved its target to use 100% renewable electricity by the end of 2020. The goal covered all Vaisala’s facilities with significant energy consumption around the globe and was reached with the combination of self-produced clean energy in Finland and the United States as well as green electricity from local energy companies. Among Finnish companies, Vaisala is the first technology company and second overall to achieve the RE100 target. In total, 17 companies in the Nordics have committed to RE100.

“As the environmental and economic impacts of climate change increase, we need to implement different mitigation practices,” Kai Öistämö, president and CEO of Vaisala, said in a statement. “We see that the private sector needs to be a key driver of change and accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. Therefore, I am proud to say Vaisala has achieved the important goal of using 100% renewable electricity.” 

Sustainable solutions and business practices have always been at the core of Vaisala. In 2015, Vaisala joined RE100 and set the target to use 100% renewable electricity in its facilities by the end of 2020. Vaisala took several actions to ensure 100% renewable electricity in its facilities with significant energy consumption. In total, 14 Vaisala facilities around the world are powered by renewables. The target was achieved with a combination of self-produced energy and green electricity products purchased from local energy companies.

Also, 94% of the electricity that Vaisala’s facilities consume comes directly from renewable sources, mainly from wind power. This 94% comprises Vaisala’s largest facilities, where it is possible to affect consumption with self-produced energy and local green energy. For instance, Vaisala’s manufacturing sites in Finland and the United States use solar panels to produce clean energy. The remaining 6% consists mostly of small office facilities where Vaisala is not the sole proprietor of the building and therefore cannot directly choose to consume renewable electricity. 

Keywords: Vaisala

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