Horizon Organics Strives to be First Carbon Positive Dairy Brand - Smart Energy Decisions

GHG Emissions, Industrial  -  April 1, 2021

Horizon Organics Strives to be First Carbon Positive Dairy Brand

Horizon Organic has published its carbon footprint and steps it will take to reduce emissions as it works toward the company's stated goal to be carbon positive by 2025.  Horizon plans to achieve carbon neutrality and then take a further step by removing or preventing additional carbon from entering the atmosphere, thus becoming carbon positive.

The results of their life cycle assessment on Horizon’s whole milk half gallon show that two-thirds of the company’s GHG emissions come from on-farm activities, while one-third are from off-farm activities including manufacturing, transportation, packaging, and end-of-life.

By making this commitment, Horizon has also promised that the brand will be open and transparent throughout its journey to become carbon positive. By releasing its whole milk half gallon carbon footprint, Horizon hopes to help customers better understand dairy's impact on the environment and what is taking place to reduce emissions across its supply chain, according to a statement from the company. 

"Time is not on our side when it comes to climate change, and it's the responsibility of businesses to act with urgency and transparency," said Deanna Bratter, Head of Sustainable Development at Danone North America. "Releasing Horizon Organic's carbon footprint is only the first step in this journey. We're now focusing on partnerships and investing in our family farmers to implement carbon reduction projects to meet our ambitious carbon positive by 2025 goal."

Horizon Organic is part of Danone North America, one of the world's largest certified B Corps™. Horizon Organic's commitment to becoming carbon positive supports Danone's global goal to become net-zero by 2050 across the entire global company and its family of brands.


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