MSCI Commits to Net-Zero Before 2040 - Smart Energy Decisions

Commercial, GHG Emissions  -  April 21, 2021

MSCI Commits to Net-Zero Before 2040

MSCI Inc., a provider of decision tools and services for the global investment community, announced on April 19 its commitment to the goal of net-zero emissions before 2040.

To reach the company’s goals, MSCI will start with the most controllable carbon reduction activities, such as electricity consumption, business and employee commutes and travel, promoting low carbon business travel options, encouraging virtual meetings, and favoring certified green buildings for MSCI offices.

The company will then engage suppliers to lower emissions in the entire MSCI supply chain and will also work with major suppliers that share net-zero goals.

“Companies have a fundamental responsibility to reduce their impact on the planet and join the journey to a decarbonized economy. MSCI’s commitment reflects our obligation to be good stewards of the capital that long-term shareholders entrust to our company,” said Henry Fernandez, MSCI Chairman and CEO, in a statement. “MSCI’s efforts to achieve net-zero before 2040 will drive a transformation of our company, culture and our actions to the benefit of all our stakeholders. We believe this action is needed as we play our part to unshackle the world from the fossil fuel era and ignite a new world of sustainable growth.”

MSCI had previously pledged to reduce the company’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 50% by 2035 and Scope 3 emissions by 20%. With the commitment to transition to net-zero prior to 2040, MSCI will review and publish revised interim targets using standardized metrics and initiatives, such as those developed by the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). MSCI will also supplement its transition strategy as best practices and technological developments emerge.

Keywords: MSCI Inc.

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